1. Introduction
This section is not normative.
This module adds a\two new <color> functions: contrast-color() and color-layers().
2. Computing a Contrasting Color: the contrast-color() function
The contrast-color() functional notation identifies a sufficiently contrasting color against a specified background or foreground color without requiring manual computation.
Its syntax is:
<contrast-color()> = contrast-color( [ [ <color> && [ tbd-fg | tbd-bg ] && <target-contrast>? ] | [ <color> && [ tbd-fg | tbd-bg ] && <target-contrast>, <color># ] ] ) <target-contrast> = <wcag2>
The only mandatory argument is the base color against which the contrast is computed. This is typically (but not necessarily) a background color.
The optional list of <color> values represents the color candidates. If no candidates are provided, the default candidates are used: white, black.
The tbd-fg and tbd-bg keywords indicate the role of the base color in calculating the contrast: as text against a list of candidate background colors (text) or as a background against a list of candidate text colors. (The effective contrast of a pair of colors depends on their usage.)
The keywords to specify whether the base color is a foreground or background are TBD. [Issue #7359]
The <target-contrast> argument specifies the contrast algorithm(s) to use. If no color candidates have been provided, <target-contrast> may be omitted, in which case a UA-chosen algorithm is used.
Arguments to a <target-contrast> functional notation indicate the target contrast level. Multiple contrast algorithms with target contrast levels may be specified, in which case all their requirements are simultaneously applied. A contrast-color() function specifying multiple algorithms must specify a target contrast level for each algorithm, and is otherwise invalid.
If the target contrast level is omitted, the color candidate with the greatest contrast is returned. Otherwise, the returned color is the first color candidate that meets or exceeds that level, defaulting to white or black if none qualify.
2.1. Finding the Winning Color
2.1.1. If there is a target contrast
Candidate colors are tested sequentially, starting with the first color in the list, and ending with an automatically appended white, black. The first color to pass the specified level(s) of contrast against the base color wins.
If no candidate color passes, then whichever of white or black has the highest contrast according to the first specified algorithm wins. If they both have the same contrast, white wins.
contrast-color ( wheat tbd-bgwcag2 ( aa), bisque, darkgoldenrod, olive, sienna, darkgreen, maroon)
The calculation is as follows:
wheat (#f5deb3), the background, has relative luminance 0.749
bisque (#ffe4c4) has relative luminance 0.807 and contrast ratio 1.073
darkgoldenrod (#b8860b) has relative luminance 0.273 and contrast ratio 2.477
olive (#808000) has relative luminance 0.200 and contrast ratio 3.193
sienna (#a0522d) has relative luminance 0.137 and contrast ratio 4.274
darkgreen (#006400 ) has relative luminance 0.091 and contrast ratio 5.662
maroon (#800000) has relative luminance 0.046 and contrast ratio 8.333
The first color in the list which meets the desired contrast ratio of 4.5 is darkgreen.
contrast-color ( wheat tbd-bgwcag2 ( 5.8 ), bisque, darkgoldenrod, olive, sienna, darkgreen, maroon)
The calculation is as follows:
the relative luminances and contrast ratios are the same as the previous example.
The first color in the list which meets the desired contrast ratio of 5.8 is maroon.
contrast-color ( wheat tbd-bgwcag2 ( AA), bisque, darkgoldenrod, olive)
The calculation is as follows:
the relative luminances and contrast ratios are the same as the previous example.
No color in the list meets the desired contrast ratio of 4.5. The contrast of white against the base color of wheat is 1.314, which is smaller than 4.5 (AA), and thus does not pass the target contrast. Therefore, black is returned, which has a contrast of 15.982 > 4.5.
2.1.2. If no target contrast is specified
Candidate colors are tested sequentially, starting with the first color in the list. A color is the temporary winner if it has the highest contrast against the base color of all those tested so far.
Once the end of the list is reached, the current temporary winner is the overall winner. Thus, if two colors in the list happen to have the same contrast, the earlier one wins.
--myAccent : #b22222; color : contrast-color ( wheat tbd-bg wcag2, tan, sienna, var ( --myAccent), #d2691e)
The calculation is as follows:
wheat (#f5deb3), the background, has relative luminance 0.749
tan (#d2b48c) has relative luminance 0.482 and contrast ratio 1.501
sienna (#a0522d) has relative luminance 0.137 and contrast ratio 4.273
--myAccent (#b22222) has relative luminance 0.107 and contrast ratio 5.081
#d2691e has relative luminance 0.305 and contrast ratio 2.249
The highest contrast ratio is 5.081 so var(--myAccent) wins
foo{ --bg : hsl ( 200 50 % 80 % ); --purple-in-hsl : hsl ( 300 100 % 25 % ); color : contrast-color ( var ( --bg) tbd-fg wcag2, hsl ( 200 83 % 23 % ), purple, var ( --purple-in-hsl)); }
The calculation is as follows:
--bg is rgb(179 213 230) which has relative luminance 0.628835
hsl(200 83% 23%) is rgb(10 75 107) which has relative luminance 0.061575 and contrast ratio 6.08409
purple is rgb(128 0 128) which has relative luminance 0.061487 and contrast ratio 6.08889
--purple-in-hsl is also rgb(128 0 128) which has relative luminance 0.061487 and contrast ratio 6.08889. This is not greater than the contrast for purple, so purple wins.
The calculated values here are shown to six significant figures, to demonstrate that early rounding to a lower precision would have given the wrong result (0.061575 is very close to 0.061487; 6.08409 is very close to 6.08889).
2.2. Contrast algorithms
Currently only WCAG 2.1 is supported, however this algorithm is known to have problems, particularly on dark backgrounds. Future revisions of this module will likely introduce additional contrast algorithms.
2.2.1. WCAG 2.1: the wcag2 keyword and wcag2() function
The wcag2 keyword and wcag2() functional notations indicate use of the [WCAG21] luminance contrast algorithm. Their syntax is:
<wcag2> = wcag2 | wcag2([<number> | [ aa | aaa ] && large? ])
Its target contrast level keywords map as follows:
aa computes to 4.5
aa large (or large aa) computes to 3
aaa computes to 7
aaa large (or large aaa) computes to 4.5
To find the contrast of a pair of colors, first their CIE Luminance (Y) is calculated relative to a D65 whitepoint. Then the WCAG 2.1 contrast is calculated: contrast = (Yl + 0.05) / (Yd + 0.05) where Yd is the luminance of the darker color in the pair and Yl is the luminance of the lighter color. The factor 0.05 represents the luminance contribution of the viewing flare.
color ( display-p30.38 0.11 0.05 )
while the first candidate color in the list were
The calculation is as follows:
color(display-p3 0.38 0.11 0.05) is color(xyz 0.06191 0.03568 0.00463) so the relative luminance is 0.03568
yellow is rgb(100% 100% 0%) which is color(xyz 0.76998 0.92781 0.13853) so the relative luminance is 0.92781
the contrast is (0.92781 + 0.05) / (0.03568 + 0.05) = 11.4123
2.2.2. Contrasting Semi-transparent Colors
This section applies only to contrast algorithms that require their inputs to be opaque colors.
When calculating the contrast of a pair of colors:
The background color is first blended over an opaque canvas color using simple alpha compositing (see Compositing 1 § 5.1 Simple alpha compositing) to find an opaque background color.
The foreground color is then blended over this opaque background color to find an opaque foreground color.
3. Layering Multiple Colors: the color-layers() function
The color-layers() functional notation takes an optional <blend-mode> followed by a list of two or more <color> layers.
Its syntax is:
<color-layers()> = color-layers([ <blend-mode>, ]? <color># )
It returns a <color> which is the result of compositing these layers, using the Compositing 1 § 9.1.4 Source Over compositing operator and the specified <blend-mode>.
If no <blend-mode> is given, normal blend-mode is used.
4. Resolving <color> Values
4.1. Resolving contrast-color() values
If all <color> parameters resolve to the corresponding colors in their respective color spaces, the computed value is the winning color resolved according to CSS Color 4 § 14. Resolving <color> Values. Otherwise (if currentColor was used in the function), the computed value is the contrast-color() function with each component computed value, thus preserving inheritance into child elements.
contrast-color ( rgb ( 179 213 230 ) tbd-bgwcag2 ( AA), cadetblue, hsl ( 200 83 % 23 % ))
the contrast with cadetblue is 1.97 while the contrast with hsl(200 83% 23%) is 6.09 which exceeds 4.5, the value for AA; so it has the computed value of the resolved hsl function:
rgb ( 10 75 107 )
For example, given a current color value of rgb(179 213 230), the value
contrast-color ( currentColor tbd-bgwcag2 ( AA), hsl ( 200 83 % 23 % ), purple)
has the computed value
contrast-color ( currentColor tbd-bgwcag2 ( 4.5 ), rgb ( 10 75 107 ), rgb ( 128 0 128 ))
4.2. Resolving color-layers() values
If all <color> parameters resolve to the corresponding colors in their respective color spaces, the computed value is the composited color resolved according to CSS Color 4 § 14. Resolving <color> Values. Otherwise (if currentColor was used in the function), the computed value is the color-layers() function with an explicit <blend-mode> and with each component computed value, thus preserving inheritance into child elements.
5. Serialization
This section extends CSS Color 4 § 15. Serializing <color> Values to add serialization of the results of the contrast-color() function.
5.1. Serializing contrast-color()
The declared value of the contrast-color() function is serialized with each keyword value as specified and each component in canonical order.
The resolved value of the contrast-color() function is the used color serialized the same as any other <color>.
5.2. Serializing color-layers()
6. Security Considerations
No new security considerations have been reported on this specification.
7. Privacy Considerations
No new privacy considerations have been reported on this specification.
8. Accessibility Considerations
This specification introduces a new feature to help stylesheet authors write stylesheets which conform to WCAG 2.1 section 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum).
9. Changes
9.1. Changes from Colors 5
The new contrast-color() function allows one of a list of colors to be chosen, based on the WCAG 2.1 contrast with a specified color. The new color-layers() function returns the result of compositing two or more colors, using a given blend mode.