Automatic generation of the file css-color-4/Overview.html was successful but Bikeshed reported the following:
Fetching issue 1/1: w3c/csswg-drafts/287 FATAL ERROR: Couldn't find 'ITU-R-BT.601' in bibliography data. Did you mean: iso8601 atk-2.10 turtle stun-bis css-ruby-1 FATAL ERROR: Couldn't find 'SMPTE-ST-296' in bibliography data. Did you mean: smpte431-2 smpte431-1 smpte2052-1 smpte2052-11 scte193-2 FATAL ERROR: Couldn't find 'ITU-R-BT.709' in bibliography data. Did you mean: iso-19109 atk-2.10 turtle stun-bis vtt708 LINK ERROR: Ambiguous for-less link for 'src', please see <> for instructions: Local references: spec:css-color-4; type:descriptor; for:@color-profile; text:src for-less references: spec:css-fonts-3; type:descriptor; for:/; text:src spec:css-fonts-3; type:descriptor; for:/; text:src <a data-link-type="descriptor" data-lt="src">src</a> ✔ Successfully generated, but fatal errors were suppressed
Last Bikeshed run at 2017-10-12 00:27:44 PDT