Title: CSS Values and Units Module Level 4
Group: CSSWG
Shortname: css-values
Level: 4
Status: ED
Work Status: Refining
ED: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/
TR: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/
Editor: Tab Atkins, Google, http://xanthir.com/contact/, w3cid 42199
Editor: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai, Apple, http://fantasai.inkedblade.net/contact, w3cid 35400
Abstract: This CSS module describes the common values and units that CSS properties accept and the syntax used for describing them in CSS property definitions.
Ignored Terms: , containing block, property
Ignored Vars: Cn+1, n
Inline Github Issues: no
Default Highlight: css
Include Can I Use Panels: yes
spec: css-device-adapt-1;


The value definition field of each CSS property can contain keywords, data types (which appear between < and >), and information on how they can be combined. Generic data types (<> being the most widely used) that can be used by many properties are described in this specification, while more specific data types (e.g., <>) are described in the corresponding modules.

Module Interactions

This module replaces and extends the data type definitions in [[!CSS2]] sections, 4.3, and A.2.

Value Definition Syntax

The value definition syntax described here is used to define the set of valid values for CSS properties (and the valid syntax of many other parts of CSS). A value so described can have one or more components.

Component Value Types

Component value types are designated in several ways: 1. Keyword values (such as auto, ''disc'', etc.), which appear literally, without quotes (e.g. auto). 2. Basic data types, which appear between < and > (e.g., <>, <>, etc.). For numeric data types, this type notation can annotate any range restrictions using the [[#numeric-ranges|bracketed range notation]] described below. 3. Property value ranges, which represent the same pattern of values as a property bearing the same name. These are written as the property name, surrounded by single quotes, between < and >, e.g., <<'border-width'>>, <<'background-attachment'>>, etc. These types do not include CSS-wide keywords such as ''inherit''. Additionally, if the property's value grammar is a comma-separated repetition, the corresponding type does not include the top-level comma-separated list multiplier. (E.g. if a property named pairing is defined as [ <> <>? ]#, then <\'pairing'> is equivalent to [ <> <>? ], not [ <> <>? ]#.)\
Why remove the multiplier? The top-level multiplier is ripped out of these value types because top-level comma-separated repetitions are mostly used for [=coordinating list properties=], and when a shorthand combines several such properties, it needs the unmultiplied grammar so it can construct its own comma-separated repetition. Without this special treatment, every such longhand would have to be defined with an ad-hoc production just for the inner value, which makes the grammars harder to understand overall.
4. Functional notations and their arguments. These are written as the function's name, followed by an empty parentheses pair, between < and >, e.g. <>, and references the correspondingly-named [=functional notation=]. 5. Other non-terminals. These are written as the name of the non-terminal between < and >, as in <>. Notice the distinction between <> and <<'border-width'>>: the latter represents the grammar of the 'border-width' property, the former requires an explicit expansion elsewhere. The definition of a non-terminal is typically located near its first appearance in the specification. Some property value definitions also include the slash (/), the comma (,), and/or parentheses as literals. These represent their corresponding tokens. Other non-keyword literal characters that may appear in a component value, such as “+”, must be written enclosed in single quotes. Commas specified in the grammar are implicitly omissible in some circumstances, when used to separate optional terms in the grammar. Within a top-level list in a property or other CSS value, or a function's argument list, a comma specified in the grammar must be omitted if:
  • all items preceding the comma have been omitted
  • all items following the comma have been omitted
  • multiple commas would be adjacent (ignoring white space/comments), due to the items between the commas being omitted.
For example, if a function can accept three arguments in order, but all of them are optional, the grammar can be written like:
		example( first? , second? , third? )
Given this grammar, writing ''example(first, second, third)'' is valid, as is ''example(first, second)'' or ''example(first, third)'' or ''example(second)''. However, ''example(first, , third)'' is invalid, as one of those commas are no longer separating two options; similarly, ''example(,second)'' and ''example(first,)'' are invalid. ''example(first second)'' is also invalid, as commas are still required to actually separate the options. If commas were not implicitly omittable, the grammar would have to be much more complicated to properly express the ways that the arguments can be omitted, greatly obscuring the simplicity of the feature.
All CSS properties also accept the CSS-wide keyword values as the sole component of their property value. For readability these are not listed explicitly in the property value syntax definitions. For example, the full value definition of 'border-color' under [[CSS-CASCADE-3|CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3]] is <color>{1,4} | inherit | initial | unset (even though it is listed as <color>{1,4}). Note: This implies that, in general, combining these keywords with other component values in the same declaration results in an invalid declaration. For example, ''background: url(corner.png) no-repeat, inherit;'' is invalid.

Component Value Combinators

Component values can be arranged into property values as follows:
  • Juxtaposing components means that all of them must occur, in the given order.
  • A double ampersand (&&) separates two or more components, all of which must occur, in any order.
  • A double bar (||) separates two or more options: one or more of them must occur, in any order.
  • A bar (|) separates two or more alternatives: exactly one of them must occur.
  • Brackets ([ ]) are for grouping.
Juxtaposition is stronger than the double ampersand, the double ampersand is stronger than the double bar, and the double bar is stronger than the bar. Thus, the following lines are equivalent:
	  a b   |   c ||   d &&   e f
	[ a b ] | [ c || [ d && [ e f ]]]
For reorderable combinators (||, &&), ordering of the grammar does not matter: components in the same grouping may be interleaved in any order. Thus, the following lines are equivalent:
	a || b || c
	b || a || c
Note: Combinators are not associative, so grouping is significant. For example, ''a || b || c'' and ''a || [ b || c ]'' are distinct grammars: the first allows a value like ''b a c'', but the second does not.

Component Value Multipliers

Every type, keyword, or bracketed group may be followed by one of the following modifiers:
  • An asterisk (*) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs zero or more times.
  • A plus (+) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs one or more times.
  • A question mark (?) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group is optional (occurs zero or one times).
  • A single number in curly braces ({A}) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs A times.
  • A comma-separated pair of numbers in curly braces ({A,B}) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs at least A and at most B times. The B may be omitted ({A,}) to indicate that there must be at least A repetitions, with no upper bound on the number of repetitions.
  • A hash mark (#) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs one or more times, separated by comma tokens (which may optionally be surrounded by white space and/or comments). It may optionally be followed by the curly brace forms, above, to indicate precisely how many times the repetition occurs, like ''<length>#{1,4}''.
  • An exclamation point (!) after a group indicates that the group is required and must produce at least one value; even if the grammar of the items within the group would otherwise allow the entire contents to be omitted, at least one component value must not be omitted.
The + and # multipliers may be stacked as ''+#''; similarly, the # and ? multipliers may be stacked as ''#?''. These stacks each represent the later multiplier applied to the result of the earlier multiplier. (These same stacks can be represented using grouping, but in complex grammars this can push the number of brackets beyond readability.) For repeated component values (indicated by *, +, or #), [=UAs=] must support at least 20 repetitions of the component. If a property value contains more than the supported number of repetitions, the declaration must be ignored as if it were invalid.

Combinator and Multiplier Patterns

There are a small set of common ways to combine multiple independent component values in particular numbers and orders. In particular, it's common to want to express that, from a set of component value, the author must select zero or more, one or more, or all of them, and in either the order specified in the grammar or in any order. All of these can be easily expressed using simple patterns of combinators and multipliers:
in order any order
zero or more A? B? C? A? || B? || C?
one or more [ A? B? C? ]! A || B || C
all A B C A && B && C
Note that all of the "any order" possibilities are expressed using combinators, while the "in order" possibilities are all variants on juxtaposition.

Component Values and White Space

Unless otherwise specified, white space and/or comments may appear before, after, and/or between components combined using the above combinators and multipliers. Note: In many cases, spaces will in fact be required between components in order to distinguish them from each other. For example, the value ''1em2em'' would be parsed as a single <> with the number ''1'' and the identifier ''em2em'', which is an invalid unit. In this case, a space would be required before the ''2'' to get this parsed as the two lengths ''1em'' and ''2em''.

Functional Notation Definitions

The syntax of a [=functional notation=] is defined as a sequence of: 1. The function's name written as an identifier followed by an open parenthesis (such as ''example(''), or the <> production to indicate a function with an arbitrary name. 2. The function's arguments, if any, expressed using the [=value definition syntax=]. 3. A literal closing parenthesis. The function’s arguments are considered implicitly grouped, as if surrounded by brackets (''[ ... ]'').
For example, a grammar like: example( <length> , <length> ) will match a function whose name is "example" and whose arguments match "<> , <>".
For example, the Selectors grammar defines pseudo-classes generically, allowing any possibly function name after the initial colon: <pseudo-class-selector> = ':' <ident-token> | ':' <function-token> <any-value> ')' This represents any function name, with <> as the function arguments.
Since the [=functional notation=] implicitly groups its contents, the effect of any combinator inside it is scoped to the function’s argument. For example, the [=functional notation=] syntax definition ''example( foo | bar )'' is equivalent to ''example( [ foo | bar ] )''.

Property Value Examples

Below are some examples of properties with their corresponding value definition fields
Property Value definition field Example value
'orphans' <integer> ''3''
'text-align' left | right | center | justify ''text-align/center''
'padding-top' <length> | <percentage> ''5%''
'outline-color' <color> | invert ''#fefefe''
'text-decoration' none | underline || overline || line-through || blink ''overline underline''
font-family [ <family-name> | <generic-family> ]# ''"Gill Sans", Futura, sans-serif''
'border-width' [ <length> | thick | medium | thin ]{1,4} ''2px medium 4px''
'box-shadow' [ inset? && <length>{2,4} && <color>? ]# | none ''3px 3px rgba(50%, 50%, 50%, 50%), lemonchiffon 0 0 4px inset''

Non-Terminal Definitions and Grammar Production Blocks

The precise grammar of non-terminals, like <> or <>, is often specified in a CSS grammar production block. These are conventionally represented in a preformatted block of definitions like this:
The <foo> syntax is defined as follows: <foo> = keyword | <bar> | some-really-long-pattern-of-stuff <bar> = <length>
Each definition starts on its own line, and consists of the non-terminal to be defined, followed by an =, followed by the fragment of [=value definition syntax=] to which it expands. A definition can stretch across multiple lines, and terminates before the next line that starts a new grammar production or at the end of the grammar production block (whichever comes first).
In the above example, the <foo> definition covers two lines. The third line starts a new definition for <bar>. (A naked = is never valid in [=value definition syntax=], so it's unambiguous when a new line starts a fresh definition.)

Combining Values: Interpolation, Addition, and Accumulation

Some procedures, for example transitions and animations, combine two CSS property values. The following combining operations-- on the two computed values VA and VB yielding the computed value Vresult-- are defined. For operations that are not commutative (for example, matrix multiplication, or accumulation of mismatched transform lists) VA represents the first term of the operation and VB represents the second.
Given two property values VA and VB, produces an intermediate value Vresult at a distance of p along the interval between VA and VB such that p = 0 produces VA and p = 1 produces VB. The range of p is (−∞, ∞) due to the effect of timing functions. As a result, this procedure must also define extrapolation behavior for p outside [0, 1].
Given two property values VA and VB, returns the sum of the two properties, Vresult. Note: While addition can often be expressed in terms of the same weighted sum function used to define interpolation, this is not always the case. For example, interpolation of transform matrices involves decomposing and interpolating the matrix components whilst addition relies on matrix multiplication. If a value type does not define a specific procedure for addition or is defined as not additive, its addition operation is simply Vresult = VB.
Given two property values VA and VB, returns the result, Vresult, of combining the two operands such that VB is treated as a delta from VA.
Note: For many types of animation such as numbers or lengths, accumulation is defined to be identical to addition. A common case where the definitions differ is for list-based types where addition may be defined as appending to a list whilst accumulation may be defined as component-based addition. For example, the filter list values ''blur(2)'' and ''blur(3)'', when added together would produce ''blur(2) blur(3)'', but when accumulated would produce ''blur(5)''.
If a value type does not define a specific procedure for accumulation, its accumulation operation is identical to addition.
These operations are only defined on computed values. (As a result, it is not necessary to define, for example, how to add a <> value of ''15pt'' with ''5em'' since such values will be resolved to their canonical unit before being passed to any of the above procedures.)

Range Checking

Interpolation can result in a value outside the valid range for a property, even if all of the inputs to interpolation are valid; this especially happens when |p| is outside the [0, 1] range, but some [=easing functions=] can cause this to occur even within that range. If the final result after interpolation, addition, and accumulation is out-of-range for the target context the value is being used in, it does not cause the declaration to be invalid. Instead, the value must be clamped to the range allowed in the target context, exactly the same as [=math functions=] (see [[#calc-range]]). Note: Even if interpolation results in an out-of-range value, addition/accumulation might "correct" the result and bring it back into range. Thus, clamping is only applied to the final result of applying all interpolation-related operations.

Textual Data Types

The textual data types include various keywords and identifiers as well as strings (<>) and URLs (<>). Aside from the casing of pre-defined keywords or as explicitly defined for a given property, no normalization is performed, not even Unicode normalization: the specified and computed value of a property are exactly the provided Unicode values after parsing (which includes character set conversion and [[css-syntax-3#escaping|escaping]]). [[!UNICODE]] [[!CSS-SYNTAX-3]] CSS identifiers, generically denoted by <ident>, consist of a sequence of characters conforming to the <> grammar. [[!CSS-SYNTAX-3]] Identifiers cannot be quoted; otherwise they would be interpreted as strings. CSS properties accept two classes of [=CSS/identifiers=]: [[#keywords|pre-defined keywords]] and [[#custom-idents|author-defined identifiers]]. Note: The <> production is not meant for property value definitions-- <> should be used instead. It is provided as a convenience for defining other syntactic constructs. All textual data types interpolate as discrete and are not additive.

Pre-defined Keywords

In the value definition fields, keywords with a pre-defined meaning appear literally. Keywords are [=CSS/identifiers=] and are interpreted ASCII case-insensitively (i.e., [a-z] and \[A-Z] are equivalent).
For example, here is the value definition for the 'border-collapse' property:
Value: collapse | separate
And here is an example of its use:
table { border-collapse: separate }

CSS-wide keywords: ''initial'', ''inherit'' and ''unset''

As defined above, all properties accept the CSS-wide keywords, which represent value computations common to all CSS properties. These keywords are normatively defined in the CSS Cascading and Inheritance Module. css/css-multicol/multicol-inherit-002.xht css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-color-inherit-001.xht css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-color-inherit-002.xht css/CSS2/values/units-008.xht Other CSS specifications can define additional CSS-wide keywords.

Unprefixed Author-defined Identifiers: the <> type

Some properties accept arbitrary author-defined identifiers as a component value. This generic data type is denoted by <custom-ident>, and represents any valid [=CSS identifier=] that would not be misinterpreted as a pre-defined keyword in that property's value definition. Such identifiers are fully case-sensitive (meaning they're compared using the "[=identical to=]" operation), even in the ASCII range (e.g. ''example'' and ''EXAMPLE'' are two different, unrelated user-defined identifiers). The CSS-wide keywords are not valid <>s. The default keyword is reserved and is also not a valid <>. Specifications using <> must specify clearly what other keywords are excluded from <>, if any-- for example by saying that any pre-defined keywords in that property's value definition are excluded. Excluded keywords are excluded in all ASCII case permutations. When parsing positionally-ambiguous keywords in a property value, a <> production can only claim the keyword if no other unfulfilled production can claim it.
For example, the shorthand declaration ''animation: ease-in ease-out'' is equivalent to the longhand declarations ''animation-timing-function: ease-in; animation-name: ease-out;''. ''ease-in'' is claimed by the <> production belonging to 'animation-timing-function', leaving ''ease-out'' to be claimed by the <> production belonging to 'animation-name'.
Note: When designing grammars with <>, the <> should always be “positionally unambiguous”, so that it's impossible to conflict with any keyword values in the property. Such conflicts can alternatively be avoided by using <>.

Prefixed Author-defined Identifiers: the <> type

Some contexts accept both author-defined identifiers and CSS-defined identifiers. If not handled carefully, this can result in difficulties adding new CSS-defined values; [=UAs=] have to study existing usage and gamble that there are sufficiently few author-defined identifiers in use matching the new CSS-defined one, so giving the new value a special CSS-defined meaning won't break existing pages. While there are many legacy cases in CSS that mix these two values spaces in exactly this fraught way, the <> type is meant to be an easy way to distinguish author-defined identifiers from CSS-defined identifiers. The <> production is a <>, with all the case-sensitivity that implies, with the additional restriction that it must start with two dashes (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS). <>s are reserved solely for use as author-defined names. CSS will never define a <> for its own use.
For example, [=custom properties=] need to be distinguishable from CSS-defined properties, as new properties are added to CSS regularly. To allow this, [=custom property=] names are required to be <>s, as in this example:
		.foo {
			--fg-color: blue;
<>s are also used in the ''@color-profile'' rule, to separate author-defined color profiles from pre-defined ones like ''device-cmyk'', and allow CSS to define more pre-defined (but overridable) profiles in the future without fear of clashing with author-defined profiles:
		@color-profile --foo { src: url(https://example.com/foo.icc); }
		.foo {
			color: color(--foo 1 0 .5 / .2);
CSS will use <> more in the future, as more author-controlled syntax is added. CSS authoring tools, such as preprocessors that turn custom syntax into standard CSS, should use <> as well, to avoid clashing with future CSS design. For example, if a CSS preprocessor added a new "custom" at-rule, it shouldn't spell it @custom, as this would clash with a future official @custom rule added by CSS. Instead, it should use @--custom, which is guaranteed to never clash with anything defined by CSS. Even better, it should use @--library1-custom, so that if Library2 adds their own "custom" at-rule (spelled @--library2-custom), there's no possibility of clash. Ideally this prefix should be customizable, if allowed by the tooling, so authors can manually avoid clashes on their own.

Quoted Strings: the <> type

[=Strings=] are denoted by <string>. When written literally, they consist of a sequence of characters delimited by double quotes or single quotes, corresponding to the <> production in the CSS Syntax Module [[!CSS-SYNTAX-3]].
Double quotes cannot occur inside double quotes, unless escaped (as "\"" or as "\22"). Analogously for single quotes ('\'' or '\27').
		content: "this is a 'string'.";
		content: "this is a \"string\".";
		content: 'this is a "string".';
		content: 'this is a \'string\'.'
It is possible to break strings over several lines, for aesthetic or other reasons, but in such a case the newline itself has to be escaped with a backslash (\). The newline is subsequently removed from the string. For instance, the following two selectors are exactly the same:


		a[title="a not s\
		o very long title"] {/*...*/}
		a[title="a not so very long title"] {/*...*/}
Since a string cannot directly represent a newline, to include a newline in a string, use the escape "\A". (Hexadecimal A is the line feed character in Unicode (U+000A), but represents the generic notion of "newline" in CSS.)

Resource Locators: the <> type

The <> type, written with the url() and src() functions, represents a [=/URL=], which is a pointer to a resource. The syntax of <> is:
		<url> = <> | <>

		<url()> = url( <> <>* ) | <>
		<src()> = src( <> <>* )
This example shows a URL being used as a background image:
		body { background: url("http://www.example.com/pinkish.gif") }
A ''url()'' can be written without quotation marks around the URL value, in which case it is specially-parsed as a <>; see [[css-syntax-3#consume-url-token]]. [[!CSS-SYNTAX-3]] Note: Because of this special parsing, ''url()'' can only express its value literally. To provide a URL by functions such as ''var()'', use the ''src()'' notation, which does not have this special parsing rule.
For example, the following declarations are identical:
			background: url("http://www.example.com/pinkish.gif");
			background: url(http://www.example.com/pinkish.gif);
And these have the same meaning as well:
			background: src("http://www.example.com/pinkish.gif");
			--foo: "http://www.example.com/pinkish.gif";
			background: src(var(--foo));
But this does not work:
			--foo: "http://www.example.com/pinkish.gif";
			background: url(var(--foo));
...because the unescaped "(" in the value causes a parse error, so the entire declaration is thrown out as invalid.
Note: The unquoted ''url()'' syntax cannot accept a <> argument and has extra escaping requirements: parentheses, whitespace characters, single quotes (') and double quotes (") appearing in a URL must be escaped with a backslash, e.g. ''url(open\(parens)'', ''url(close\)parens)''. (In quoted <> ''url()''s, only newlines and the character used to quote the string need to be escaped.) Depending on the type of URL, it might also be possible to write these characters as URL-escapes (e.g. ''url(open%28parens)'' or ''url(close%29parens)'') as described in [[URL]]. Some CSS contexts (such as ''@import'') also allow a <> to be represented by a bare <>, without the function wrapper. In such cases the string behaves identically to a ''url()'' function containing that string.
For example, the following statements act identically:
			@import url("base-theme.css");
			@import "base-theme.css";

Relative URLs

In order to create modular style sheets that are not dependent on the absolute location of a resource, authors should use relative URLs. Relative URLs (as defined in [[!URL]]) are resolved to full URLs using a base URL. RFC 3986, section 3, defines the normative algorithm for this process. For CSS style sheets, the base URL is that of the style sheet itself, not that of the styled source document. Style sheets embedded within a document have the base URL associated with their container. Note: For HTML documents, the base URL is mutable. When a <> appears in the computed value of a property, it is resolved to an absolute URL, as described in the preceding paragraph. The computed value of a URL that the [=UA=] cannot resolve to an absolute URL is the specified value.
For example, suppose the following rule:
body { background: url("tile.png") }
is located in a style sheet designated by the URL:
The background of the source document's <body> will be tiled with whatever image is described by the resource designated by the URL:
The same image will be used regardless of the URL of the source document containing the <body>.
Fragment URLs
To enable element ID references to work in CSS regardless of base URL changes or shadow DOM, <>s have special behavior when they contain only a fragment. If a <>'s value starts with a U+0023 NUMBER SIGN (#) character, then the URL additionally has its local url flag set, and is a [=tree-scoped reference=] for the URL's [=url/fragment=]. When matching a <> with the local url flag set: * if the URL's fragment is an element ID reference (rather than, say, a media fragment), resolve it as a [=tree-scoped reference=] with the tree's IDs as the associated [=tree-scoped names=]: specifically, resolve to the first element in [=tree order=] among the associated [=node tree=]'s descendants with the URL's [=url/fragment=] as its ID. (And, as usual for [=tree-scoped references=], continuing up to the host's tree if needed.) If no such element is found, the URL fails to resolve. * otherwise, resolve the fragment against the current document. Issue: Possibly reference [=find a potential indicated element=], but that is defined specifically for {{Document}}s, not {{ShadowRoot}}s. Note: This means that such fragments will resolve against the contents of the current document (or whichever [=node tree=] the stylesheet lives in, if shadow DOM is involved) regardless of how such relative URLs would resolve elsewhere (ignoring, for example, <{base}> elements changing the base URL, or relative URLs in linked stylesheets resolving against the stylesheet's URL).
In the following example, #anchor will resolve against http://example.com/ whereas #image will resolve against the elements in the HTML document itself: <!DOCTYPE html> <base href="http://example.com/"> ... <a href="#anchor" style="background-image: url(#image)">link</a>
When serializing a ''url()'' with the local url flag set, it must serialize as just the fragment.

Empty URLs

If the value of the <> is the empty string (like ''url("")'' or ''url()''), the url must resolve to an invalid resource (similar to what the url ''about:invalid'' does). Its computed value is ''url("")'' or ''src("")'', whichever was specified, and it must serialize as such. css/css-values/urls/empty.html Note: This matches the behavior of empty urls for embedded resources elsewhere in the web platform, and avoids excess traffic re-requesting the stylesheet or host document due to editing mistakes leaving the ''url()'' value empty, which are almost certain to be invalid resources for whatever the ''url()'' shows up in. Linking on the web platform does allow empty urls, so if/when CSS gains some functionality to control hyperlinks, this restriction can be relaxed in those contexts.

URL Modifiers

<>s support specifying additional <url-modifier>s, which change the meaning or the interpretation of the URL somehow. A <> is either an <> or a functional notation. This specification does not define any <>s, but other specs may do so. Note: A <> that is either unquoted or not wrapped in ''url()'' notation cannot accept any <>s.

URL Processing Model

To fetch a style resource from a [=/url=] or <> |urlValue|, given a {{CSSStyleSheet}} |sheet|, a string |destination| matching a {{RequestDestination}}, a "no-cors" or "cors" |corsMode|, and an algorithm |processResponse| accepting a [=/response=] and a null, failure or byte stream: 1. Let |environmentSettings| be |sheet|'s [=relevant settings object=]. 2. Let |base| be |sheet|'s stylesheet base URL if it is not null, otherwise |environmentSettings|'s [=API base URL=]. [[CSSOM]] 3. Let |parsedUrl| be the result of the [=URL parser=] steps with |urlValue|'s [=/url=] and |base|. If the algorithm returns an error, return. 4. Let |req| be a new [=/request=] whose [=request/url=] is |parsedUrl|, whose [=request/destination=] is |destination|, [=request/mode=] is |corsMode|, [=request/origin=] is |environmentSettings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=], [=request/credentials mode=] is "same-origin", [=request/use-url-credentials flag=] is set, [=request/client=] is |environmentSettings|, and whose [=request/referrer=] is |environmentSettings|'s [=API base URL=]. 5. Apply any URL request modifier steps that apply to this request. Note: This specification does not define any URL request modification steps, but other specs may do so. 6. If |req|'s [=request/mode=] is "cors", set |req|'s [=request/referrer=] to |sheet|'s location. [[CSSOM]] 7. If |sheet|'s origin-clean flag is set, set |req|'s [=request/initiator type=] to "css". [[CSSOM]] 8. [=/Fetch=] |req|, with [=fetch/processresponseconsumebody=] set to |processResponse|.
When interpreting [=URLs=] expressed in CSS, the [=URL parser's=] encoding argument must be omitted (i.e. use the default, UTF-8), regardless of the stylesheet encoding. Note: In other words, a URL written in CSS will always [=string/percent-encode after encoding|percent-encode=] non-ASCII codepoints using UTF-8 in the [=URL=] object (and thus whenever using the [=URL=] value for e.g. network requests), regardless of the stylesheet's own encoding. Note that this occurs [[css-syntax-3#input-byte-stream|after decoding the stylesheet]] into Unicode [=code points=].

Numeric Data Types

Numeric data types are used to represent quantities, indexes, positions, and other such values. Although many syntactic variations can exist in expressing the quantity (numeric aspect) in a given numeric value, the specified and computed value do not distinguish these variations: they represent the value’s abstract quantity, not its syntactic representation. The numeric data types include <>, <>, <>, and various dimensions including <>, <>, <