Title: CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
Shortname: css-text-decor
Level: 4
Status: ED
Work Status: Exploring
Group: csswg
ED: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-4/
TR: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-4/
Previous Version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/WD-css-text-decor-4-20200506/
Issue Tracking: Tracker http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/products/10
Editor: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai, Apple, http://fantasai.inkedblade.net/contact, w3cid 35400
Editor: Koji Ishii, Google, kojiishi@gmail.com, w3cid 45369
Abstract: This module contains the features of CSS relating to text decoration, such as underlines, text shadows, and emphasis marks.


This subsection is non-normative. This module covers text decoration, i.e. decorating the glyphs of the text once typeset according to font and typographic rules. (See [[CSS-TEXT-3]] and [[CSS-FONTS-3]].) Such features are traditionally used not only for purely decorative purposes, but also in some cases to show emphasis, for honorifics, and to indicate editorial changes such as insertions, deletions, and misspellings. CSS Levels 1 and 2 only defined very basic line decorations (underlines, overlines, and strike-throughs) appropriate to Western typographical traditions. Level 3 of this module added the ability to change the color, style, position, and continuity of these decorations, and also introduced emphasis marks (traditionally used in East Asian typography), and shadows (which were proposed then deferred from Level 2). Level 4 introduces additional controls over these decorations.

Module Interactions

This module replaces and extends the text-decorating features defined in [[CSS-TEXT-DECOR-3]]. All of the properties in this module can be applied to the ''::first-line'' and ''::first-letter'' [=pseudo-elements=].

Value Definitions

This specification follows the CSS property definition conventions from [[!CSS2]] using the value definition syntax from [[!CSS-VALUES-3]]. Value types not defined in this specification are defined in CSS Values & Units [[!CSS-VALUES-3]]. Combination with other CSS modules may expand the definitions of these value types. In addition to the property-specific values listed in their definitions, all properties defined in this specification also accept the CSS-wide keywords as their property value. For readability they have not been repeated explicitly.


The terms [=typographic character unit=] (character), [=typographic letter unit=] ([=letter=]), and [=content language=] as used in this specification are defined in [[!CSS-TEXT-3]]. Other terminology and concepts used in this specification are defined in [[!CSS2]] and [[!CSS-WRITING-MODES-4]].

Line Decoration: Underline, Overline, and Strike-Through

The following properties describe line decorations that are added to the content of an element. When specified on or propagated to an inline box, that box becomes a decorating box for that decoration, applying the decoration to all its box fragments. The decoration is then further propagated to any in-flow block-level boxes that split the inline (see CSS2.1 section When specified on or propagated to a block container that establishes an inline formatting context, the decorations are propagated to an anonymous inline box that wraps all the in-flow inline-level children of the block container. When specified on or propagated to a ruby container, the decorations are propagated only to the ruby base. For all other box types, the decorations are propagated to all [=in-flow=] children.

Note that text decorations are not propagated to any out-of-flow descendants, nor to the contents of atomic inline-level descendants such as inline blocks and inline tables. They are also not propagated to inline children of inline boxes, although the decoration is applied to such boxes. Underlines, overlines, and line-throughs are drawn only for non-replaced inline boxes, and are drawn across all text (including white space, letter spacing, and word spacing) except spacing (white space, letter spacing, and word spacing) at the beginning and end of a line. Atomic inlines, such as images and inline blocks, are not decorated. Margins, borders, and padding of the [=decorating box=] are always skipped, however the margins, border, and padding of descendant inline boxes are not.

Note that CSS 2.1 required skipping margins, borders, and padding always. In Level 3 and beyond, by default only the margins, borders, and padding of the [=decorating box=] are skipped. In the future CSS2.1 may be updated to match this new default. [=Relatively positioning=] a descendant moves all text decorations applied to it along with the descendant's text; it does not affect calculation of the decoration's initial position on that line. The 'visibility' property, 'text-shadow', filters, and other graphical transformations likewise also affect all text decorations applied to that box-- including decorations propagated from an ancestor box-- and do not affect the calculation of their initial positions or thicknesses. (In the case of line decorations drawn over an [=atomic inline=] or across the margins/borders/padding of a [=non-replaced=] [=inline box=], they are analogously associated with the affected atomic inline / non-replaced inline box rather than with the [=decorating box=].)

In the following style sheet and document fragment:
		  blockquote { text-decoration: underline; color: blue; }
		  em { display: block; }
		  cite { color: fuchsia; }
		     Help, help!
		     <em> I am under a hat! </em>

		     <cite> —GwieF </cite>
...the underlining for the blockquote element is propagated to an anonymous inline box that surrounds the span element, causing the text "Help, help!" to be blue, with the blue underlining from the anonymous inline underneath it, the color being taken from the blockquote element. The <em>text</em> in the em block is also underlined, as it is in an in-flow block to which the underline is propagated. The final line of text is fuchsia, but the underline underneath it is still the blue underline from the anonymous inline element. Sample rendering of the above underline example This diagram shows the boxes involved in the example above. The rounded aqua line represents the anonymous inline element wrapping the inline contents of the paragraph element, the rounded blue line represents the span element, and the orange lines represent the blocks.
In the following style sheet and document fragment:
		  div { color: black; font-size: 48px; text-decoration: underline; text-shadow: blue 0px 50px 0px; }
		  span { font-size: 20px; vertical-align: top; text-shadow: green 0px 100px 0px; }
                  <div>Help, help! <span>I am under a hat!</span></div>
...the <div> is the [=decorating box=] for its underline (in black), which is rendered uninterrupted through both the <div> and the <span>. Unlike line decorations, however, `text-shadow` is inherited as a property; therefore the green text shadow on the <span> overrides the blue text shadow on the <div>. As a result, when the shadows are painted, the shadow of the <div>’s underline is disjoint across the two elements. Sample rendering of the above underline example
Note: Line decorations are propagated through the box tree, not through inheritance, and thus have no effect on descendants when specified on an element with ''display: contents''.

Text Decoration Lines: the 'text-decoration-line' property

	Name: text-decoration-line
	Value: none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | spelling-error | grammar-error
	Initial: none
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: no (but see prose, above)
	Computed value: specified keyword(s)
	Animation type: discrete
This property, which is a sub-property of the 'text-decoration' shorthand, specifies what line decorations, if any, are added by the element. Values other than ''text-decoration-line'' cause the element to originate the indicated text decorations, and to apply and propagate it as described [[#line-decoration|above]]. Note: Unless it is desired for the color, style, and thickness of the lines to be set by declarations lower in the [=cascade=], it is safer to use the 'text-decoration' [=shorthand=] instead of this [=longhand=]. Values have the following meanings:
Neither produces nor inhibits text decoration.
Each line of text is underlined.
Each line of text has a line over it (i.e. on the opposite side from an underline).
Each line of text has a line through the middle.
The text blinks (alternates between visible and invisible). Conforming user agents may simply not blink the text. Note that not blinking the text is one technique to satisfy checkpoint 3.3 of WAI-UAAG. This value is deprecated in favor of Animations [[CSS3-ANIMATIONS]].
This value indicates the type of text decoration used by the user agent to highlight spelling mistakes. Its appearance is UA-defined, and may be platform-dependent. It is often rendered as a red wavy underline.
This value indicates the type of text decoration used by the user agent to highlight grammar mistakes. Its appearance is UA defined, and may be platform-dependent. It is often rendered as a green wavy underline.
Note: In vertical writing modes, 'text-underline-position' can cause the underline and overline to switch sides. This allows the position of underlines to key off of language-specific preferences automatically. When ''spelling-error'' or ''grammar-error'' apply, the user agent must disregard the other sub-properties of 'text-decoration', as well any other properties typically affecting the appearance of line decorations (such as 'text-underline-position', 'color', 'stroke', or 'fill') when rendering these decorations. However, the user agent may take into account the 'accent-color' property.

Text Decoration Style: the 'text-decoration-style' property

	Name: text-decoration-style
	Value: solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy
	Initial: solid
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: no
	Computed value: specified keyword
	Animation type: discrete
This property, which is a sub-property of the 'text-decoration' shorthand, sets the line-drawing style of underlines, overlines, and line-throughs specified on the element with 'text-decoration-line', and affects all decorations originating from this element even if descendant boxes specify a different style. Values have the same meaning as for the border-style properties [[!CSS-BACKGROUNDS-3]]. wavy indicates a wavy line.

Text Decoration Color: the 'text-decoration-color' property

	Name: text-decoration-color
	Value: <>
	Initial: currentcolor
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: no
	Computed value: computed color
	Animation type: by computed value type
This property, which is a sub-property of the 'text-decoration' shorthand, sets the color of underlines, overlines, and line-throughs specified on the element with 'text-decoration-line', and affects all decorations originating from this element even if descendant boxes specify a different color.

Text Decoration Line Thickness: the 'text-decoration-thickness' property

	Name: text-decoration-thickness
	Value: auto | from-font | <>
	Initial: auto
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: no
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: as specified, with <> values computed
	Animation type: by computed value
This property, which is a sub-property of the 'text-decoration' shorthand, sets the stroke thickness of underlines, overlines, and line-throughs specified on the element with 'text-decoration-line', and affects all decorations originating from this element even if descendant boxes specify a different thickness. Values have the following meanings:
The UA chooses an appropriate thickness for text decoration lines; see below.
If the first available font has metrics indicating a preferred underline width, use that width, otherwise behaves as ''text-decoration-thickness/auto''.
Specifies the thickness of text decoration lines as a fixed length. The UA should round the actual value to the nearest integer device pixel, and ensure it is at least one device pixel. Note: A length will inherit as a fixed value, and will not scale with the font.

Specifies the thickness of text decoration lines as a percentage of ''1em''. The UA should round the actual value to the nearest integer device pixel, and ensure it is at least one device pixel. Note: A percentage will inherit as a relative value, and will therefore scale with changes in the font as it inherits.

Automatic Thickness of Text Decoration Lines

Some font formats (such as OpenType) can offer information about the appropriate thickness of a line decoration. The UA should use such font-based information when choosing ''text-decoration-thickness/auto'' line thicknesses wherever appropriate.

Determining the Position and Thickness of Line Decorations

Issue: This section is copied over from early drafts of Text Decoration Level 3. It is still under review, and needs integration with 'text-underline-offset' and 'text-decoration-thickness'. Since line decorations can span elements with varying font sizes and vertical alignments, the best position for a line decoration is not necessarily the ideal position dictated by the decorating box. Instead, it's calculated, per line, from all text decorated by the decorating box on that line, the considered text. However, descendants of the decorating box that are skipped due to 'text-decoration-skip', descendant inlines with ''text-decoration-skip: ink'', and any descendants that do not participate in the decorating box’s inline formatting context are excluded from the set of considered text. The line decoration positions are then calculated per line as follows (treating over-positioned underlines as over lines and under-positioned overlines as under lines):
over lines
Align the line decoration with respect to the highest over EM-box edge of the considered text.
alphabetic underlines
The alphabetic underline position is calculated by taking the ideal offset (from the alphabetic baseline) of each run of considered text, averaging those, and then using the lowest alphabetic baseline to actually position the line. (Alphabetic baselines can differ between ''vertical-align/baseline''-aligned boxes if the dominant baseline is non-alphabetic.) To prevent superscripts and subscripts from throwing this position off-kilter, an inline with a non-initial computed 'vertical-align' is treated as having the ideal underline position of its parent.
non-alphabetic under lines
Position the line decoration with respect to the lowest under EM-box edge of the considered text.
Line-throughs essentially use the same sort of averaging as for alphabetic underlines, but recompute the position when drawing across a descendant with a different computed 'font-size'. (This ensures that the text remains effectively “crossed out” despite any font size changes.) For each run of considered text with the same 'font-size', compute an ideal position averaged from its font metrics. To prevent superscripts and subscripts from throwing this position off-kilter, an inline with a non-initial computed 'vertical-align' is treated as having the ideal underline position of its parent. Position the portion of the line across each decorated fragment at that position.

For simplicity, line-throughs should draw over each element at that element's preferred/averaged position. This can produce some undesirable jumpiness, but there doesn't appear to be any way to avoid that which is correct in all instances, and all attempts are worryingly complex. What position should line-throughs adopt over elements that have a different font-size, but no considered text?

CSS does not define the thickness of line decorations. In determining the thickness of text decoration lines, user agents may consider the font sizes, faces, and weights of descendants to provide an appropriately averaged thickness.
The following figure shows the averaging for underline:

In the first rendering of the underlined text '1st a'
								 with 'st' as a superscript, both the '1st' and the 'a'
								 are rendered in a small font. In the second rendering,
								 the 'a' is rendered in a larger font. In the third, both
								 '1st' and 'a' are large. In the three fragments of underlined text, the underline is drawn consecutively lower and thicker as the ratio of large text to small text increases.

Using the same example, a line-through would in the second fragment, instead of averaging the two font sizes, split the line-through into two segments:

In both cases, however, the superscript, due to the vertical-alignment shift, has no effect on the position of the line.

Text Decoration Shorthand: the 'text-decoration' property

	Name: text-decoration
	Value: <<'text-decoration-line'>> || <<'text-decoration-thickness'>> || <<'text-decoration-style'>> || <<'text-decoration-color'>>
This property is a shorthand for setting 'text-decoration-line', 'text-decoration-thickness', 'text-decoration-style', and 'text-decoration-color' in one declaration. Omitted values are set to their initial values.
The following example underlines unvisited links with a solid blue underline in CSS1 and CSS2 UAs and a navy dotted underline in CSS3 UAs.
			:link {
			  color: blue;
			  text-decoration: underline;
			  text-decoration: navy dotted underline; /* Ignored in CSS1/CSS2 UAs */
Note: The shorthand purposefully omits the 'text-underline-position' property, which is a language/writing-system–dependent setting that keys off the content, so that it can cascade and inherit independently from the (uninherited) stylistic settings of the 'text-decoration' shorthand.

Text Underline Position: the 'text-underline-position' property

	Name: text-underline-position
	Value: auto | [ from-font | under ] || [ left | right ]
	Initial: auto
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: yes
	Computed value: specified keyword(s)
	Animation type: discrete
This property, which is not a sub-property of the 'text-decoration' shorthand, sets the position of an underline with respect to the text, and defines its [=zero position=] for further adjustment by 'text-underline-offset'. It affects all decorations originating from this element, even if descendant boxes specify a different position. It does not affect underlines specified by ancestor elements.
The following example styles modern Chinese, Japanese, and Korean texts with the appropriate underline positions in both horizontal and vertical text:
			:root:lang(ja), [lang|=ja], :root:lang(ko), [lang|=ko] { text-underline-position: under right; }
			:root:lang(zh), [lang|=zh] { text-underline-position: under left; }
If ''text-underline-position/left'' or ''text-underline-position/right'' is specified alone, ''text-underline-position/auto'' is also implied. Values have the following meanings:
The user agent may use any algorithm to determine the underline's position; however it must be placed at or under the alphabetic baseline. Note: It is suggested that the default underline position be close to the alphabetic baseline, unless that would either cross subscripted (or otherwise lowered) text or draw over glyphs from Asian scripts such as Han or Tibetan for which an alphabetic underline is too high: in such cases, shifting the underline lower or aligning to the em box edge as described for ''text-underline-position/under'' may be more appropriate.
In a typical Latin font, the underline is positioned slightly
				         below the alphabetic baseline, leaving a gap between the line
				         and the bottom of most Latin letters, but crossing through
				         descenders such as the stem of a 'p'.

A typical “alphabetic” underline is positioned just below the alphabetic baseline

If the first available font has metrics indicating a preferred underline offset, use that offset, otherwise behaves as ''text-underline-offset/auto''.
The underline is positioned [=under=] the element's text content. In this case the underline usually does not cross the descenders. (This is sometimes called “accounting” underline.) This value can be combined with ''text-underline-position/left'' or ''text-underline-position/right'' if a particular side is preferred in vertical typographic modes.
In a typical Latin font, the underline is far enough
			           below the text that it does not cross the bottom of a 'g'.

''text-underline-position: under''

Because 'text-underline-position' inherits, and is not reset by the 'text-decoration' shorthand, the following example switches the document to use ''text-underline-position/under'' underlining, which can be more appropriate for writing systems with long, complicated descenders. It is also often useful for mathematical or chemical texts that use many subscripts.
:root { text-underline-position: under; }
Note: The ''text-decoration/under'' value does not guarantee that the underline will not conflict with glyphs, as some fonts have descenders or diacritics that extend below the font’s descent metrics.
In vertical typographic modes, the underline is aligned as for ''text-underline-position/under'', except it is always aligned to the left edge of the text. If this causes the underline to be drawn on the "over" side of the text, then an overline also switches sides and is drawn on the "under" side.
In vertical typographic modes, the underline is aligned as for ''text-underline-position/under'', except it is always aligned to the right edge of the text. If this causes the underline to be drawn on the "over" side of the text, then an overline also switches sides and is drawn on the "under" side.
In mixed Japanese-Latin vertical text, 'text-underline-position: left'
					          places the underline on the left side of the text. In mixed Japanese-Latin vertical text, 'text-underline-position: right'
					          places the underline on the right side of the text.
''text-underline-position/left'' ''text-underline-position/right''

In vertical typographic modes, the 'text-underline-position' values ''text-underline-position/left'' and ''text-underline-position/right'' allow placing the underline on either side of the text. (In horizontal typographic modes, both values are treated as ''text-underline-position/auto''.)

Text Underline Offset: the 'text-underline-offset' property

	Name: text-underline-offset
	Value: auto | <>
	Initial: auto
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: yes
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: as specified, with <> values computed
	Animation type: by computed value
This property, which is not a sub-property of the 'text-decoration' shorthand, sets the offset of underlines from their [=zero position=]. Positive offsets represent distances outward from the text; negative offsets inward. It affects all decorations originating from this element, even if descendant boxes specify a different position. It does not affect underlines specified by ancestor elements. Values have the following meanings:

The UA chooses an appropriate offset for underlines. However, this offset must be zero if the computed value of 'text-underline-position' is ''text-underline-position/from-font'' and the UA was able to extract an appropriate metric to use from the font.


Specifies the offset of underlines as a fixed length. Note: A length will inherit as a fixed value, and will not scale with the font.


Specifies the offset of underlines as a percentage of ''1em''. Note: A percentage will inherit as a relative value, and will therefore scale with changes in the font as it inherits.

When the value of the 'text-decoration-line' property is either ''spelling-error'' or ''grammar-error'', the UA must ignore the value of 'text-underline-position'.

Underline Offset Origin (Zero Position)

The zero position of the underline depends on the value of 'text-underline-position' as detailed below.
Interaction of 'text-underline-position' and 'text-underline-offset'
'text-underline-position' Zero Position Positive Direction
''text-underline-position/auto'' alphabetic baseline under
''text-underline-position/from-font'' position specified by the font metrics, falling back to alphabetic baseline under
''text-underline-position/under'' text-under edge under
''text-underline-position/left'' text-under (left) edge under
''text-underline-position/right'' text-over (right) edge over
The underline is aligned to the outside of the specified position (extending its thickness in the positive direction only). Any automatic adjustments made to accommodate descendant content are maintained; the 'text-underline-offset' is in addition to those.

Using Font Metrics for Automatic Positioning

Some font formats (such as OpenType) can offer information about the appropriate position of a line decoration. The UA should use such font-based information in its choice of ''text-underline-offset/auto'' offset wherever appropriate, and must use such information when ''text-underline-position/from-font'' is specified for 'text-underline-position'. Note: Typically, OpenType font metrics give the position of an ''text-underline-position/alphabetic'' underline; in some cases (especially in CJK fonts), it gives the position of a ''under left'' underline. (In this case, the font's underline metrics typically touch the bottom edge of the em box). The UA may but is not required to correct for incorrect font metrics.

Text Decoration Line Uniformity

The exact position and thickness of line decorations depends on the values of 'text-underline-position', 'text-underline-offset', and 'text-decoration-thickness' as defined above, and is otherwise UA-defined. However, for underlines and overlines the UA must use a single thickness and position on each line for the decorations deriving from a single [=decorating box=].
A single underline drawn under varying font sizes and vertical positions must be a single line. vs. Drawing multiple line segments, each with the position and thickness appropriate to the decorated text, is incorrect.

Correct and incorrect rendering of <u>A<sup>B</sup><big>C</big>D</u>

Note, since line decorations can span elements with varying font sizes and vertical alignments, the best position for a line decoration is not necessarily the ideal position dictated by the [=decorating box=]. For example, an overline positioned to a small font will effectively become a line-through if the element contains text in a significantly larger font-size. Even for underlines, if the text is not aligned to the alphabetic baseline (for example, in vertical typesetting styles, text is aligned by its central baseline by default [[CSS-WRITING-MODES-4]]) an underline will cut through descendant text of a larger font-size. UA consideration of descendant content will therefore result in better typography.

Due to the central baseline alignment of vertical text, a left-side underline on small vertical text will cut through the text of a child with a larger font size. The underline is not allowed to be broken, but adjusting its position further to the left properly accommodates all of the underlined text.

UAs must adjust line positions to match the shifted metrics of [=decorating boxes=] shifted with 'vertical-align' values other than ''vertical-align/baseline'' [[!CSS2]] or subscripted/superscripted via 'font-variant-position' [[!CSS-FONTS-3]], but must not adjust the line position or thickness in response to descendants of a [=decorating box=] that are so styled (even though it may adjust the position to accommodate descendants that are not so styled, such as those merely typeset in a different font size as noted above). This allows superscripts and subscripts to be properly decorated (underlined, struck through, etc.) but prevents them from distorting or breaking the positioning of such decorations on their ancestors.
An underline for just the superscript 'st' in '1st' is drawn just below the superscript,
		             whereas an underline for the entire text is drawn at the appropriate position for full-size text.

Example of underline applied to superscripted text vs. underline applied to text containing a superscript

Text Decoration Line Trimming and Extension: the 'text-decoration-trim' property

	Name: text-decoration-trim
	Value: <>{1,2} | auto
	Initial: 0
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: no
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: specified keyword or absolute length
	Animation type: by computed value
This property adjusts the start and end points of line decorations, allowing the author to shorten, lengthen, or shift the decoration with respect to the text. It controls all text decoration lines drawn by this [=decorating box=], but not any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors. If two component values are given, the first applies to the [=start=] and the second to the [=end=]. Values have the following meanings:
Inset (positive) or outset (negative) the start/end of the affected line decorations.

The following example offsets an extra thick underline 1em endwards with respect to the text

					h1 {
						text-decoration: underline 0.3em rgba(36,148,187,0.25);
						text-decoration-trim: 1em -1em;
The UA chooses a trim amount that ensures that if two identical underlined elements appear side-by-side they do not appear to have a single underline. (This is important in Chinese, where underlining is a form of punctuation.)

An underline below a series of Chinese characters has a gap between two adjacent underlining elements.

''text-decoration-skip-inset: auto'' for <u>石井</u><u>艾俐俐</u>

Text decoration trimming is subject to 'box-decoration-break': * for ''box-decoration-break/slice'' (the default) trimming is only applied to the [=start=] edge of the first fragment and the [=end=] edge of the last fragment, and may accumulate to other fragments if the amount of the trim is more than the length of the fragment. Percentages are relative to the total length of the [=decorating box=]. * for ''box-decoration-break/clone'' trimming is applied to each fragment independently.

Text Decoration Line Continuity: the 'text-decoration-skip' shorthand and its sub-properties

Issue: The CSSWG resolved to be split skipping functionality into individual properties along the lines of 'text-decoration-skip-ink', to improve its cascading behavior. See discussion and resolution. This section is a rough draft and has not yet been vetted by the CSSWG
	Name: text-decoration-skip
	Value: none | auto
	Initial: See individual properties
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: yes
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: See individual properties
	Animation type: discrete
The 'text-decoration-skip' property and its sub-properties ('text-decoration-skip-self', 'text-decoration-skip-box', 'text-decoration-skip-inset', 'text-decoration-skip-spaces', 'text-decoration-skip-ink') control interruptions in line decorations for which the element or an ancestor is the [=decorating box=]. The none value sets all sub-properties to ''text-decoration-skip/none'', and the auto value sets all sub-properties to their initial values. ISSUE: Is this ''text-decoration-skip/none'' definition Web-compatible? Do we also need to add an ink value for Web-compat?

Note that these properties inherit and that descendant elements can have a different setting.

The following addition is made to the default UA stylesheet for HTML:

		ins, del { text-decoration-skip: none; }
When the value of the 'text-decoration-line' property is either ''spelling-error'' or ''grammar-error'', the UA may ignore any or all of these properties.

Skipping Spaces: the 'text-decoration-skip-self' property

	Name: text-decoration-skip-self
	Value: auto | skip-all | [ skip-underline || skip-overline || skip-line-through ] | no-skip
	Initial: auto
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: no
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: specified keyword(s) except for ''text-decoration-skip-self/skip-all'', see below
	Animation type: discrete
This property specifies whether any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors are propagated to or drawn across the element. Values have the following meanings:

Skip this element (its entire margin box) if it is an atomic inline (such as an image or inline-block).
Skip this element (its entire margin box) unconditionally. Don't draw across it, don't propagate to it.
Skip this element (its entire margin box) unconditionally when drawing ancestor underlines.
Skip this element (its entire margin box) unconditionally when drawing ancestor overlines.
Skip this element (its entire margin box) unconditionally when drawing ancestor line-throughs.
Line decorations from ancestor [=decorating boxes=] are applied to this box unconditionally: drawn across it as if it were text if it is an [=atomic inline=], or propagated to it according to the usual rules if it is not.
Note: The ''text-decoration-skip-self/no-skip'' value is provided to treat images as text when that is necessary, for example when representing glyphs that are not encoded in Unicode. The ''text-decoration-skip-self/skip-all'' keyword [=computed value|computes=] to ''skip-underline skip-overline skip-line-through''. Note, however, that this combination will serialize as ''text-decoration-skip-self/skip-all'' (shortest serialization).

Skipping Spaces: the 'text-decoration-skip-box' property

	Name: text-decoration-skip-box
	Value: none | all
	Initial: none
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: yes
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: specified keyword(s)
	Animation type: discrete
Issue: The CSSWG resolved to split 'text-decoration-skip' into sub-properties, but this value set has not yet been vetted by the CSSWG. This property specifies what parts of the element's box area any text decoration affecting the element must skip over. It controls only text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors. Values have the following meanings:

Skip nothing: line decorations from ancestor [=decorating boxes=] are drawn from margin edge to margin edge.
When drawing text decoration lines applied to an ancestor [=decorating box=], skip over the box's own margin, border, and padding areas and only draw line decorations within its content area. This value only has an effect for decorations imposed by an ancestor; a decorating box never draws over its own box decoration.

Skipping Spaces: the 'text-decoration-skip-spaces' property

	Name: text-decoration-skip-spaces
	Value: none | all | [ start || end ]
	Initial: start end
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: yes
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: specified keyword(s)
	Animation type: discrete
ISSUE: Should the initial value be ''text-decoration-skip-spaces/none'' for Web-compat? If not, INS and DEL at least should be assigned ''text-decoration-skip-spaces/none'' in the UA default stylesheet. See also Issue 4653. This property specifies whether text decoration skips any spaces. It controls all text decoration lines drawn by the element and also any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors. Values have the following meanings:

[=Spacers=] are not skipped. They are decorated just like any other character.
Skip all [=spacers=] and all word separators plus any adjacent 'letter-spacing' or 'word-spacing'.
Skip all [=spacers=], plus any adjacent 'letter-spacing' or 'word-spacing', when located at the start of the line.
Skip all [=spacers=], plus any adjacent 'letter-spacing' or 'word-spacing', when located at the end of the line.
For the purpose of this property, a spacer is any typographic character unit from [=Unicode General Category=] Zs except U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE.

Skipping Glyphs: the 'text-decoration-skip-ink' property

	Name: text-decoration-skip-ink
	Value: auto | none | all
	Initial: ''auto''
	Applies to: all elements
	Inherited: yes
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: specified keyword
	Animation type: discrete
This property controls how overlines and underlines are drawn when they cross over a glyph. It affects all decorations originating from this element even if descendant boxes specify a different style. When enabled, decoration lines skip over where glyphs are drawn: interrupt the decoration line to let the shape of the text show through where the text decoration would otherwise cross over a glyph. The UA must also skip a small distance to either side of the glyph outline.
An alphabetic underline through Myanmar text skips around descenders and the vertical strokes of combining characters that drop below the alphabetic baseline.

Skipping Glyph Ink

Ideographic scripts do not want to skip when ''text-decoration-skip-ink/auto''. How can we define this behavior? Are there more scripts wanting not to skip? Need some normative text describe how ''text-decoration-skip-ink/auto'' works. See telcon minutes, alreq#86, csswg#1288
This property only applies to overlines and underlines; line-throughs are always continuous.
UAs may interrupt underlines and overlines where the line would cross glyph ink and to some distance to either side of the glyph outline. UAs should consider the script of the text (see note below) when determining whether to apply ink-skipping behavior to a given range of content.
UAs must interrupt underlines and overlines where the line would cross glyph ink and to some distance to either side of the glyph outline.
UA must draw continuous underlines and overlines, without interruptions when they cross over a glyph.
Note: Implementation experience shows that ink-skipping behavior often produces undesirable results when underlined text includes ideographic characters, as the underline position (depending on the font and user agent involved) often clashes with almost all the glyphs, such that only occasional fragments of the line remain to be rendered. In principle, this could be resolved by authors using ''text-underline-position: under'' (or possibly 'text-underline-offset') to move the underline to a lower position that does not clash with the glyphs, but this is not always feasible, even if the user agent supports these properties and the author is aware of their potential. In particular, when a page contains arbitrary user-generated content, the author responsible for the design may not know whether CJK content will be present. And with mixed-script content, an underline position designed to work well for CJK content may look bad if the majority of the text is non-CJK. Therefore, when ''text-decoration-skip-ink/auto'' is in effect, a UA that implements ink-skipping should refrain from doing so in CJK contexts. (Authors who do want ink-skipping applied to CJK content can use the ''text-decoration-skip-ink/always'' value to explicitly request this.) Primarily, this means not applying ink-skipping for characters whose Unicode Script property is any of the CJK scripts Han, Hiragana, Katakana, Bopomofo, or Hangul, or for characters whose Script property is Inherited or Common, and whose ScriptExtensions property includes one or more of the CJK scripts. In addition, characters with a Unicode script property of Common and Inherited (primarily generic punctuation and symbols) need to be considered, as these may be used as part of a run of CJK-script content, and it is desirable to treat all text within a given script run in a consistent way. Therefore, the UA should resolve the text into script runs as described in the “Implementation Notes” of [[!UAX24]] “Unicode Script Property”, in particular subsections 5.1 and 5.2. After applying the heuristics described there (or a similar analysis of scripts), the UA should disable ink-skipping for all ranges of text that are determined to be in a CJK script. Issue: Are there other (non-CJK) scripts where it would be preferable to disable ink-skipping by default (when ''text-decoration-skip-ink/auto'' is in effect)? Perhaps Yi? Arabic? (See also discussion in Issue 1288.)

Shaping Interruptions

When the UA interrupts underlines or overlines at glyph boundaries, the shape of the line at that boundary should follow the shape of the glyph.
Note, this specification intentionally does not mandate a particular method for “following the shape” of the glyph so that UAs can take appropriate measures to handle aesthetic and performance considerations. For example, a UA could assume square line endings below a certain size threshold for performance reasons; or use trapezoidal endings to approximate curves, especially on thinner line decorations. In terms of aesthetic considerations, the UA might also consider what happens when the glyph boundary intersects only part of the line thickness or is slanted close to the horizontal-- following the curve exactly could result in typographically-awkward wisps of underline. Whether to show the line within enclosed areas of a glyph is yet another consideration.
Take, for example, the word “goal” with an underline striking through the bottom loop of the “g”.
			            Depending on the position and thickness of the underline,
			            we might see the entire thickness of the underline, or only part of it within the “g”.
			            This example shows a masked-out underline in two positions.
			            In the left pair the underline passes through the center of the bowl of the “g”:
			            the full thickness of the underline shows through the center,
			            filling it.
			            In the right pair the underline is slightly lower,
			            and thus the portion of the underline within the “g” can only show a partial thickness.

Hiding the portion of the underline within the bowl gives a cleaner look to the type, while the curved ends of the underline outside it suggest the continuity of the underline through the letter by hugging its outer contour.

Additional Controls for Emphasis Marks

East Asian documents traditionally use small symbols next to each glyph to emphasize a run of text. For example:
Example of emphasis in Japanese appearing over the text

Accent emphasis (shown in blue for clarity) applied to Japanese text

The 'text-emphasis' shorthand, and its 'text-emphasis-style' and 'text-emphasis-color' longhands, can be used to apply such marks to the text. The 'text-emphasis-position' property, which inherits separately, allows setting the emphasis marks’ position with respect to the text. Issue: See also issue about continuity in size/position.

Emphasis Mark Style: the 'text-emphasis-style' property

	Name: text-emphasis-style
	Value: none | [ [ filled | open ] || [ dot | circle | double-circle | triangle | sesame ] ] | <>
	Initial: none
	Applies to: text
	Inherited: yes
	Computed value: the keyword ''text-emphasis-style/none'', a pair of keywords representing the shape and fill, or a string
	Animation type: discrete
This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text. Values have the following meanings:
No emphasis marks.
The shape is filled with solid color.
The shape is hollow.
Display small circles as marks. The filled dot is U+2022 '•', and the open dot is U+25E6 '◦'.
Display large circles as marks. The filled circle is U+25CF '●', and the open circle is U+25CB '○'.
Display double circles as marks. The filled double-circle is U+25C9 '◉', and the open double-circle is U+25CE '◎'.
Display triangles as marks. The filled triangle is U+25B2 '▲', and the open triangle is U+25B3 '△'.
Display sesames as marks. The filled sesame is U+FE45 '﹅', and the open sesame is U+FE46 '﹆'.
Display the given string as marks. Authors should not specify more than one [=character=] in <string>. The UA may truncate or ignore strings consisting of more than one grapheme cluster.
If a shape keyword is specified but neither of ''filled'' nor ''open'' is specified, ''filled'' is assumed. If only ''filled'' or ''open'' is specified, the shape keyword computes to ''text-emphasis-style/circle'' in horizontal typographic modes and ''sesame'' in vertical typographic modes. The marks should be drawn using the element's font settings with the addition of the ''font-variant-east-asian/ruby'' feature and the size scaled down 50%. However, since not all fonts have all these glyphs, and some fonts use inappropriate sizes for emphasis marks in these code points, the UA may opt to use a font known to be good for emphasis marks, or the marks may instead be synthesized by the UA. Marks must remain upright in vertical typographic modes: like CJK characters, they do not rotate to match the writing mode. The orientation of marks in horizontal typographic modes of vertical writing modes is undefined in this level (but may be defined in a future level if definitive use cases arise). Note: One example of good fonts for emphasis marks is Adobe's open source Kenten Generic OpenType Font, which is specially designed for the emphasis marks. The marks are drawn once for each typographic character unit. However, emphasis marks are not drawn for: Note: Control over which characters are marked will be added in Level 4. (The list of punctuation may also be further refined, particularly for non-CJK punctuation.)

Emphasis Mark Color: the 'text-emphasis-color' property

	Name: text-emphasis-color
	Value: <>
	Initial: currentcolor
	Applies to: text
	Inherited: yes
	Computed value: computed color
	Animation type: by computed value type
This property specifies the foreground color of the emphasis marks. Note: ''currentcolor'' keyword computes to itself and is resolved to the value of 'color' after inheritance is performed. This means 'text-emphasis-color' by default matches the text 'color' even as 'color' changes across elements.

Emphasis Mark Shorthand: the 'text-emphasis' property

	Name: text-emphasis
	Value: <<'text-emphasis-style'>> || <<'text-emphasis-color'>>
This property is a shorthand for setting 'text-emphasis-style' and 'text-emphasis-color' in one declaration. Omitted values are set to their initial values.

Note that 'text-emphasis-position' is not reset in this shorthand. This is because typically the shape and color vary, but the position is consistent for a particular language throughout the document. Therefore the position should inherit independently.

Emphasis Mark Position: the 'text-emphasis-position' property

	Name: text-emphasis-position
	Value: [ over | under ] && [ right | left ]?
	Initial: over right
	Applies to: text
	Inherited: yes
	Computed value: specified keyword(s)
	Animation type: discrete
This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at. If ''[ right | left ]'' is omitted, it defaults to ''text-emphasis-position/right''. The values have following meanings:
Draw marks over the text in horizontal typographic modes.
Draw marks under the text in horizontal typographic modes.
Draw marks to the right of the text in vertical typographic modes.
Draw marks to the left of the text in vertical typographic modes.
Emphasis marks are drawn exactly as if each character was assigned the mark as its ruby annotation text with the ruby position given by 'text-emphasis-position' and the ruby alignment as centered. Note that this position may be adjusted if it would conflict with underline or overline decorations. The effect of emphasis marks on the line height is the same as for ruby text.
Note, the preferred position of emphasis marks depends on the language. In Japanese for example, the preferred position is ''over right''. In Chinese, on the other hand, the preferred position is ''under right''. The informative table below summarizes the preferred emphasis mark positions for Chinese and Japanese:
Preferred emphasis mark and ruby position
Language Preferred position Illustration
Horizontal Vertical
Japanese over right Emphasis marks appear over each emphasized character in horizontal Japanese text. Emphasis marks appear on the right of each emphasized character in vertical Japanese text.
Chinese under right Emphasis marks appear below each emphasized character in horizontal Simplified Chinese text.
If emphasis marks are applied to characters for which ruby is drawn in the same position as the emphasis mark, the emphasis marks are placed outside the ruby. This includes auto-hidden and empty ruby annotations.
In this example, emphasis marks are applied to 4 characters, two of which have ruby.
		       The dots are placed above each character (aligned with the ruby) for the bare characters,
		       and above the ruby text for the annotated characters.

Emphasis marks applied to 4 characters, with ruby also on 2 of them

Some editors prefer to hide emphasis marks when they conflict with ruby. In HTML, this can be done with the following style rule:
ruby { text-emphasis: none; }
Some other editors prefer to hide ruby when they conflict with emphasis marks. In HTML, this can be done with the following pattern:
			em { text-emphasis: dot; } /* Set text-emphasis for <em> elements */
			em rt { display: none; }   /* Hide ruby inside <em> elements */

Emphasis Mark Skip: the 'text-emphasis-skip' property

This section is under brainstorming. It's also not yet clear if this property is needed quite yet, despite differences in desired behavior among publications.

	Name: text-emphasis-skip
	Value: spaces || punctuation || symbols || narrow
	Initial: spaces punctuation
	Applies to: text
	Inherited: yes
	Percentages: N/A
	Computed value: specified keyword(s)
	Animation type: discrete
This property describes for which characters marks are drawn. The values have following meanings:
Skip word separators or other characters belonging to the Unicode separator category (Z*). (But note that emphasis marks are drawn for a space that combines with any combining characters.)
Skip punctuation. Punctuation in this definition includes characters belonging to the Unicode P* category that are not defined as ''symbols'' (see below).
Skip symbols. Symbols in this definition includes all typographic character units belonging to the Unicode S* general category as well as any which are NFKD-equivalent [[!UAX15]] to the following characters from the Unicode Po category:
Skip characters where the East_Asian_Width property [[!UAX11]] of the Unicode database [[!UAX44]] is not F (Fullwidth) or W (Wide).
Characters belonging to the Unicode classes for control codes and unassigned characters (Cc, Cf, Cn) are skipped regardless of the value of this property.

This syntax requires UA to implement drawing marks for spaces. Is there any use case for doing so? If not, should we modify the syntax not to allow drawing marks for spaces? Issue: See also discussion of the initial value.

Text Shadows: the 'text-shadow' property

	Name: text-shadow
	Value: none | <>#
	Initial: none
	Applies to: text
	Inherited: yes
	Computed value: either the keyword ''box-shadow/none'' or
		a list, each item consisting of four absolute lengths
		plus a computed color
		and optionally also an ''text-shadow/inset'' keyword
	Animation type: as shadow list
This property accepts a comma-separated list of shadow effects to be applied to the text of the element. Values are interpreted as for 'box-shadow' [[!CSS-BACKGROUNDS-3]]. Each layer shadows the element's text and all its text decorations (composited together). The shadow effects are applied front-to-back: the first shadow is on top. The shadows may thus overlay each other. Unlike 'box-shadow', the spread distance is strictly interpreted as outset distance from any point of the glyph outline, and therefore, similar to the blur radius, creates rounded, rather than sharp, corners. Negative spread values are invalid. ISSUE(7250): Leave corner shaping undefined? Outer text shadows (specified without the ''box-shadow/inset'' keyword) shadow the text-- including any text stroke [[!FILL-STROKE-3]]-- as if it were cut and raised above the surrounding canvas. Unlike 'box-shadow', outer text shadows are not clipped to the shadowed shape and may show through if the text is partially-transparent. Inner text shadows (specified with the ''box-shadow/inset'' keyword) shadow the canvas-- and any text stroke [[!FILL-STROKE-3]]-- as if the text were cut and dropped below the surrounding canvas. They are therefore only drawn within the inner edge of the stroke. [=Outer text shadows=] must be painted at a stack level between the element's border/background (if present) and the elements text and text decoration. [=Inner text shadows=] must be painted over the text and its decorations. UAs should avoid painting text shadows over text in adjacent elements belonging to the same stack level and stacking context. (This may mean that the exact stack level of the shadows depends on whether the element has a border or background: the exact stacking behavior of text shadows is thus UA-defined.) ISSUE(7251): Stacking relationship to stroke? Like 'box-shadow', text shadows do not influence layout, and do not trigger scrolling or increase the size of the scrollable overflow region. The ''text-shadow'' property applies to both the ::first-line and ::first-letter pseudo-elements.

Painting Text Decorations

Painting Order of Text Decorations

As in [[!CSS2]], text decorations are drawn immediately over/under the text they decorate, in the following order (bottommost first): Where line decorations are drawn across box decorations or atomic inlines, they are drawn over non-positioned content and just below any positioned descendants (immediately below layer #8 in CSS2.1 Appendix E).

Overflow of Text Decorations

Text decorations that leak outside a box are considered ink overflow: they do not extend the scrollable overflow region. [[css-overflow-3]]

Appendix A: Acknowledgements

This specification would not have been possible without the help from: Ayman Aldahleh, Bert Bos, Tantek Çelik, Stephen Deach, John Daggett, Martin Dürst, Laurie Anna Edlund, Ben Errez, Yaniv Feinberg, Arye Gittelman, Ian Hickson, Martin Heijdra, Richard Ishida, Masayasu Ishikawa, Michael Jochimsen, Eric LeVine, Ambrose Li, Håkon Wium Lie, Chris Lilley, Ken Lunde, Nat McCully, Shinyu Murakami, Paul Nelson, Chris Pratley, Marcin Sawicki, Arnold Schrijver, Rahul Sonnad, Michel Suignard, Takao Suzuki, Frank Tang, Chris Thrasher, Etan Wexler, Chris Wilson, Masafumi Yabe and Steve Zilles.

Appendix B: Default UA Stylesheet

This appendix is informative, and is to help UA developers to implement default stylesheet, but UA developers are free to ignore or change.

		  /* typical styling of HTML */
		  blink {
		    text-decoration-line: blink;
		  s, strike, del {
		    text-decoration: line-through;
		  u, ins, :link, :visited {
		    text-decoration: underline;
		  abbr[title], acronym[title] {
		    text-decoration: dotted underline;

		  /* disable inheritance of text-emphasis marks to ruby text:
		    emphasis marks should only apply to base text */
		  rt { text-emphasis: none; }

		  /* set language-appropriate default emphasis mark position */
		  :root:lang(zh), [lang|=zh] { text-emphasis-position: under right; }
		  [lang|=ja], [lang|=ko]     { text-emphasis-position: over right; }

		  /* set language-appropriate default underline position */
		  :root:lang(ja), [lang|=ja],
		  :root:lang(mn), [lang|=mn],
		  :root:lang(ko), [lang|=ko] { text-underline-position: right; }
		  :root:lang(zh), [lang|=zh] { text-underline-position: left;  }
		  /* auto is chosen (implied) above instead of under
		     due to content-compatibility concerns */

If you find any issues, recommendations to add, or corrections, please send the information to www-style@w3.org with [css-text-decor] in the subject line.

While ''text-decoration-line: blink'' can't be fully reproduced with other existing properties, authors can achieve a very similar effect with the following CSS:
			@keyframes blink {
			  0% {
			    visibility: hidden;
			    animation-timing-function: step-end;
			  25%, 100% {
			    visibility: visible;
			blink {
			  animation: blink 1s infinite;

Appendix C: Changes

Changes since the 4 May 2022 Working Draft

Significant changes since the 4 May 2022 Working Draft:

Changes since the 6 May 2020 Working Draft

Significant changes since the 6 May 2020 Working Draft:

Additions Since Level 3

The following features have been added since Level 3:

Privacy Considerations

No new privacy considerations have been reported on this specification.

Security Considerations

No new security considerations have been reported on this specification.