CSS3 module: Generated Content for Paged Media

Editor's Draft 10 June 2009

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Håkon Wium Lie, Opera Software, howcome@opera.com


This module describes features often used in printed publications. Most of the specified functionality involves some sort of generated content where content from the document is adorned, replicated, or moved in the final presentation of the document. Along with two other CSS3 modules – multi-column layout and paged media – this module offers advanced functionality for presenting structured documents on paged media. This specification only applies to the ‘print’ media type.

Status of this document

This is a public copy of the editors' draft. It is provided for discussion only and may change at any moment. Its publication here does not imply endorsement of its contents by W3C. Don't cite this document other than as work in progress.

The (archived) public mailing list www-style@w3.org (see instructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text “css3-gcpm” in the subject, preferably like this: “[css3-gcpm] …summary of comment…

This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity).

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This WD describes functionality at various levels of maturity. Some features have been part of other WDs in the past and have already been implemented. These parts are fairly stable and unlikely to change much. Other features are still at the sketching stage. In general, features presented earlier in this draft are more mature that those presented later in the draft.

Table of contents

1 Dependencies on other modules

This CSS3 module has normative references to the following other CSS3 modules:

This CSS3 module has non-normative references to the following other CSS3 modules:

2 Introduction

(This section is not normative.)

This specification describes features often used in printed publications. Some of the proposed functionality (e.g., hyphenation, the new list style types, and border segments) may also used with other media types. However, this specification is only concerned with the ‘print’ media type.

3 Running headers and footers

To aid navigation in printed material, headers and footers are often printed in the page margins. [CSS3PAGE] describes how to place headers and footers on a page, but not how to fetch headers and footers from elements in the document. This specification offers two ways to achieve this. The first mechanism is named strings which copies the text (without style, structure, or replaced content) from one element for later reuse in margin boxes. The second mechanism is running elements which moves elements (with style, structure, and replaced content) into a margin box.

3.1 Named strings

Named strings can be thought of as variables that can hold one string of text each. Named strings are created with the ‘string-set’ property which copies a string of text into the named string. Only text is copied; not style, structure, or replaced content.

Consider this code:

h1 { string-set: title content() }

Whenever an h1 element is encountered, its textual content is copied into a named string called title. Its content can be retrieved in the ‘content’ property:

@page :right { @top-right { content: string(title) }}

3.1.1 Setting named strings: the ‘string-set’ property

Name: string-set
Value: [[ <identifier> <content-list>] [, <identifier> <content-list>]* ] | none
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: as specified value

The ‘string-set’ property accepts a comma-separated list of named strings. Each named string is followed by a content list that specifies which text to copy into the named string. Whenever an element with value of ‘string-set’ different from ‘none’ is encountered, the named strings are assigned their respective value.

For the ‘string-set’ property, <content-list> expands to one or more of these values, in any order:

a string, e.g. "foo"
the counter() or counters() function, as per CSS 2.1 section 4.3.5
the ‘content()’ function returns the content of elements and pseudo-elements. The functional notation accepts an optional argument:
Without any arguments, the function returns the textual content of the element, not including the content of its ::before and ::after pseudo-element. The content of the element's descendants, including their respective ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, are included in the returned content.
The function returns the textual content of the ::before pseudo-element the content of the element.
The function returns the textual content of the ::after pseudo-element the content of the element.
The function returns the first letter of the content of the element. The definition of a letter is the same as for :first-letter pseudo-elements.

The expected use for ‘content(first-letter)’ is to create one-letter headers, e.g., in dictionaries.

Named strings can only hold the result of one assignment; whenever a new assignment is made to a named string, its old value is replaced.

User agents, however, must be able to remember the result of more than one assignment as the ‘string()’ functional value (described below) can refer to different assignments.

The scope of a named string is the page of the element to which the ‘string-set’ property is attached and subsequent pages.

The name space of named strings is different from other sets of names in CSS.

The ‘string-set’ property copies text as well as white-space into the named string.

h2 { 
  string-set: header "Chapter " counter(header) ": " content();
  counter-increment: header;

Note that the string called "header" is different from the counter with the same name. The above code may result in header being set to "Chapter 2: Europa".

This example results in the same value being assigned to header as in the previous example.

h2:before { content: "Chapter " counter(header) } 
h2 { 
  string-set: header content(before) content();
  counter-increment: header } 
dt { string-set: index content(first-letter) }

The content is copied regardless of other settings on the element. In this example, H1 elements are not displayed, but their content is copied into the named string.

h1 { 
  display: none;
  string-set: header content();

3.1.2 Using named strings

The content of named strings can be recalled by using the ‘string()’ value on the ‘content’ property. The ‘string()’ value has one required argument, namely the name of the string.

@page { @top-center { content: string(header) }}
@page { @right-middle { content: string(index) }}
@page { @top-left { content: string(entry) }}
h1 { string-set: header "Chapter " counter(chapter) content() }
dt { string-set: index content(first-letter), entry content() }

If the value of the named string is changed by an element on a certain page, the named string may have several values on that page. In order to specify which of these values should be used, an optional argument is accepted on the ‘string()’ value. This argument can have one of four keywords:

In this example, the first term on the page will be shown in the top left corner and the last term on the page will be shown in the top right corner. In top center of the page, the first letter of first term will be shown.

@page { @top-left { content: string(term, first) }}
@page { @top-right { content: string(term, last) }}
@page { @top-center { content: string(index, first) }}
dt { string-set: index content(first-letter), term content() }

In this example, the header in the top center will be blank on pages where ‘h1’ elements appear. On other pages, the string of the previous ‘h1’ element will be shown.

@page { @top-center { content: string(chapter, first-except) }}
h1 { string-set: chapter content() }

If the named string referred to in a ‘string()’ value has not been assigned a value, the empty string is used.

3.2 Running elements

Named strings, as described above, can only hold textual content; any style, structure or replaced content associated with the element is ignored. To overcome this limitation, a way of moving elements into running headers and footers is introduced.

Elements that are moved into headers and footers are repeated on several pages; they are said to be running elements. To support running elements, a new value – running() – is introduced on the ‘position’ property. It has one required argument: the name by which the running element can be referred to. A running element is not shown in its natural place; there it is treated as if ‘display: none’ had been set. Instead, the running element may be displayed in a margin box.

Like counters and named strings, the name of a running element is chosen by the style sheet author, and the names have a separate name space. A running element can hold one element, including its pseudo-elements and its descendants. Whenever a new element is assigned to a running element, the old element is lost.

User agents, however, must be able to remember the result of more than one assignment as the ‘element()’ value (described below) can refer to different assignments.

Running elements inherit through their normal place in the structure of the document.

title { position: running(header) }
@page { @top-center {
  content: element(header) }

Like the ‘string()’ value, the ‘element()’ value accepts an optional second argument:


The keywords have the same meaning as for the ‘string()’ value.

The ‘element()’ value cannot be combined with any other values.

In this example, the header is hidden from view in all media types except print. On printed pages, the header is displayed top center on all pages, except where h1 elements appear.

  div.header { display: none }
  @media print {
  div.header {
    display: block;
    position: running(header);
  @page { @top-center { content: element(header, first-except) }}
<div class="header">Introduction</div>
<h1 class="chapter">An introduction</div>

This code illustrates how to change the running header on one page in the middle of a run of pages:

@page { @top-center {
  content: element(header, first) }}
.header { position: running(header) }
.once { font-weight: bold }
<div class="header">Not now</div>
<p>Da di ha di da di ...
  <span class="header once">NOW!</span>
  <span class="header">Not now</span>
  ... da di ha di hum.</p>
The header is "Not now" from the outset, due to the "div" element. The first "span" element changes it to "NOW!" on the page where the "span" element would have appeared. The second "span" element, which would have appeared on the same page as the first is not used because the ‘first’ keyword has been specified. However, the second "span" element still sets the exit value for "header" and this value is used on subsequent pages.

4 Leaders

A leader is a visual pattern that guides the eye. Typically, leaders are used to visually connect an entry in a list with a corresponding code. For example, there are often leaders between titles and page numbers in a table of contents (TOC). Another example is the phone book where there are leaders between a name and a telephone number.

In CSS3, a leader is composed of series of glyphs through the ‘leader()’ value on the ‘content’ property. The functional notation accepts one value which describes the glyph pattern that make up the leader. These values are allowed:

Using the keyword values is equivalent to setting a string value. The table below shows the equivalents:

Keyword String Unicode characters
leader(dotted) leader(‘. ’) \002E \0020
leader(solid) leader(‘_’) \005F
leader(space) leader(‘ ’) \0020

Can leaders also be composed of images or SVG?

The string inside the parenthesis is called the leader string.

In its simplest form, the ‘content’ property only takes one ‘leader()’ value:

heading::after { content: leader(dotted) }

The leader string must be shown in full at least once and this establishes the minimum length of the leader. To fill the available space, the leader string is repeated as many times as possible in the writing direction. At the end of the leader, a partial string pattern may be shown. White space in leaders is collapsed according to the values on white-space properties.

These properties influence the appearance of leaders: all font properties, text properties, ‘letter-spacing’, white-space properties, background properties, and ‘color’.

User Agents should attempt to align corresponding glyphs from the leader pattern between consecutive lines.

In a more complex example, the ‘leader’ value is combined with other values on the ‘content’ property:

ul.toc a::after {
  content: leader(". . . ") target-counter(attr(href, url), page);

If the content connected by a leader end up on different lines, the leader will be present on all lines. Each leader fragment honors the minimum length of the leader.

Consider this code:

.name::after { content: leader(dotted) }
<div class="entry">
<span class="name">John Doe</span>
<span class="number">123456789</span>

If the name and number end up on different lines (e.g., in a narrow column), it may be formatted like this:

John Doe....

To determine the length of the leaders, user agents must do the following for each line:

  1. Lay out the content with leaders of minimum lengths
  2. Determine the empty space left on the line.
  3. Distribute the empty space between the leaders on the line. Glyphs must not be shown partially. All leaders on the line should, to the extent possible, have the same length. This may not always be possible as the minimum leader length must be honored.
  4. Fill the empty space with the specified leader pattern.

Consider this code:

cite::before { content: leader('  ') }
  Bla great bla bla world bla bla
  empire bla bla color bla bla
  history bla bla forever.
    <cite>John Johnson</cite>

Depending on the width of the containing block, this may be rendered as:

  Bla great bla bla world bla bla
  empire bla bla color bla bla
  history bla bla forever.   John 

However, this rendering is preferable:

  Bla great bla bla world bla bla
  empire bla bla color bla bla
  history bla bla forever.
                     John Johnson

To indicate that John Johnson should be kept on one line, this rule can be added to the style sheet:

cite { text-wrap: suppress }

Until ‘text-wrap’ is widely supported, this rule can also be used:

cite { white-space: nowrap }

If the containing element is wider, this may be the resultant presentation:

  Bla great bla bla world bla bla empire
  bla bla color bla bla history bla bla 
  forever.                  John Johnson

5 Cross-references

It is common to refer to other parts of a document by way of a section number (e.g., "See section 3.4.1"), a page number (e.g., "See discussion on page 72"), or a string (e.g., "See the chapter on Europe"). Being able to resolve these cross-references automatically saves time and reduces the number of errors.

5.1 The ‘target-counter’ and ‘target-counters’ values

Numerical cross-references are generated by ‘target-counter()’ and ‘target-counters()’ values that fetch the value of a counter at the target end of the link. These functions are similar to the ‘counter()’ and ‘counters()’ functions, except that they fetch counter values from remote elements. ‘target-counter()’ has two required arguments: the url of the link, and the name of a counter. ‘target-counters()’ has three required arguments: the url of the link, the name of a counter, and a separator string. Both functions accepts an optional argument at the end that describes which list style type to use when presenting the resulting number; ‘decimal’ being the default.

This style sheet specifies that a string like " (see page 72)" is added after a link:

a::after { content: "(see page " target-counter(attr(href, url), page, decimal) ")" }

This style sheet specifies that a string like " (see section 1.3.5)" is added after a link:

a::after { content: "(see section " target-counters(attr(href, url), section, ".", decimal) ")" }

5.2 The ‘target-text’ value

Textual cross-references are generated by ‘target-text()’ which fetches the textual content from the target end of the link. Only text is copied; not style, structure, or replaced content. ‘target-text()’ has one required argument: the url of the link. An optional second argument specifies exactly which content is fetched. There are four possible values:

refers to the textual content of the element, not including the content of its ::before and ::after pseudo-element. The content of the element's descendants, including their respective ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, are included in the returned content.
refers to the content of the element's ::before pseudo-element. This is the default value.
refers to the content of the element's ::after pseudo-element
refers to the first letter of the textual content of the element, not including the content of its ::before and ::after pseudo-element.

To generate this text

See Chapter 3 ("A better way") on page 31 for an in-depth evaluation.

from this markup:
<p>See <a href="#chx">this chapter</a> for an in-depth evaluation.
<h2 id="chx">A better way</h2>
this CSS code can be used:
h2 { counter-increment: chapter }
a { content: "Chapter " target-counter(attr(href, url), chapter) 
   ' ("'  target-text(attr(href), content()) '") on page '
   target-counter(attr(href, url), page);

6 Footnotes

A footnote is a note typically placed at the bottom of a page that comments on or cites a reference. References to footnotes are marked with a note-call in the main text. The rendering of footnotes is complex. As far as possible, footnotes try to reuse other parts of CSS. However, due to the typographic traditions of footnotes, some new functionality is required to support footnotes in CSS:

In order to support footnotes in CSS, the following functionality is added:

In its simplest form, making a footnote is simple.

.footnote { float: footnote }

<p>A sentence consists of words. <span class="footnote">Most often.</span>.

In this example, the text Most often. will be placed in a footnote. A note-call will be left behind in the main text and a corresponding marker will be shown next to the footnote. Here is one possible rendering:

A sentence consists of words. ¹

¹ Most often.

To support legacy browsers, it is often better to make a link to the note rather than including the text inline. This example shows how to fetch the content of a note and place it in a footnote.

@media print {
  .footnote { 
    float: footnote;
    content: target-pull(attr(href, url)) }
  .call { display: none }
<p>A sentence consists of words<a class="footnote" href="#words"> [3]</a>.
<p id=words><span class="call">[3]</span> Most often.

When shown in a legacy browser, the content of the element will be shown as a clickable link to an endnote. When printed according to this specification, there will be a footnote:

A sentence consists of words¹.

¹ Most often.
Consider this markup:
<p>Sorry, <span title="This is, of course, a lie.">we're closing for lunch</span>.

The content of the "title" attribute can be turned into a footnote with this code:

span[title]::after { 
  content: attr(title);
  float: footnote;

6.1 Turning elements into footnotes

An element with ‘float: footnote’ (called a footnote element) is moved to the footnote area and a footnote-call pseudo-element is put in its original place.

span.footnote { 
  float: footnote;

For each new footnote element, the ‘footnote’ counter is automatically incremented.

Footnote elements are presented inside the footnote area, but they inherit through their normal place in the structure of the document.

6.2 The footnote area

All elements with ‘float: footnote’ are moved to the footnote area. The footnote area is described by an @footnote-rule inside the @page-rule. By default, the footnote area appears at the bottom of the page, but it can be positioned using page floats (as described below) and ‘position: fixed’.

@page {
  @footnote { 
    float: bottom page;
    width: 100%;

These rules place the footnote area on the left side of the page:

@page {
  @footnote { 
    position: fixed;
    top: 10em;
    left: 3em;
    width: 5em;

How do we place the footnote area in a certain column? Perhaps:

@page {
  @footnote { 
    float: bottom left multicol;
    width: 1gr;

The content of the footnote area is considered to come before other content which may compete for the same space on the same page.

@page { @footnote { float: bottom page}}
div.figure { float: bottom page }

If figures and footnotes are on the same page, the footnotes will appear below the figures as they are floated to the bottom before the figures.

Potentially, every page has a footnote area. If there are no footnotes on the page, the footnote area will not take up any space. If there are footnotes on a page, the layout of the footnote area will be determined by the properties/values set on it, and by the footnote elements inside it.

These properties apply to the footnote area: ‘content’, ‘border’, ‘padding’, ‘margin’, ‘height’, ‘width’, ‘max-height’, ‘max-width’, ‘min-height’, ‘min-width’, the background properties.

This example uses some of the applicable properties on @footnote:

@footnote {
  margin-top: 0.5em;
  border-top: thin solid black;
  border-length: 4em; /* border-parts: 4em */
  padding-top: 0.5em;

The result of this code is that a footnote area will have some margin above the border. Unlike normal borders, only part of the border is visible due to the ‘border-length’ property. Underneath the border, there will be padding.

6.3 Footnote calls

When an element is moved to the footnote area, a footnote-call is left behind. By default, User Agents must behave as if this code is part of the default style sheet:

::footnote-call {
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal);

The resulting note call is a super-script decimal number.

6.4 Footnote markers

A ::footnote-marker pseudo-element is added to each footnote element. User agents must, by default, show the "footnote" counter in the footnote-marker.

User Agents may display footnote-calls and footnote-markers this way by default:

::footnote-call {
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal);
::footnote-marker {
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal);

Marker elements are discussed in more detail in the CSS Lists module [CSS3LIST]. One suggested change to that module is to honor the value of ‘list-style-position’ on the ::footnote-marker pseudo-element itself rather than the corresponding list-item element. Further, one clarification to the horizontal placement of the marker is suggested: the margin box of the marker box is horizontally aligned with the start of the line box.

6.5 Counting footnotes

The "footnote" counter is automatically incremented each time a footnote is generated. That is, the "footnote" counter is incremented by one each time an element with ‘float: footnote’ appears.

The footnote counter can be reset with the ‘counter-reset’ property.

This code resets the "footnote" counter on a per-page page basis:
@page { counter-reset: footnote }

Should one also be able to manually increment the "footnote" counter?

6.6 Laying out footnotes

Footnotes must appear as early as possible under the following constraints:

  1. A footnote marker may not appear on an earlier page than the footnote call.
  2. Footnotes may not appear out of document order.
  3. The footnote area is limited in size by ‘max-height’, unless the page contains only footnotes. (E.g., if at the end of the document there are still footnotes unprinted, the User Agent can use the whole page to display footnotes.)
  4. If there is a footnote call on a page, the footnote area may not be empty, unless its ‘max-height’ is too small.

6.7 Footnote magic

When rendering footnotes, User Agents may apply certain heuristics to improve the presentation. For example, the space between a footnote-call and surrounding text may be adjusted. Another example is the height of the footnote area; it may be heuristically constrained to limit the area that is used for footnotes.

The "footnote" counter represents another kind of magic; it is automatically created and incremented each time an element is turned into a footnote, and the footnotes and footnote-calls are automatically labeled with the value of the footnote counter.

7 Border parts

CSS borders traditionally cover an entire border edge. Sometimes, however, it can be useful to hide some parts of the border.

7.1 The ‘border-parts’ properties

Name: border-parts, border-parts-top, border-parts-right, border-parts-bottom, border-parts-left
Value: normal | [ <length> | <percentage> | <fraction> | repeat() ]+
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of element height for vertical borders?
Media: visual
Computed value: normal’, or a list consisting of absolute lengths, or percentages as specified

These properties split their respective borders into parts along the border edge. The first part is visible, the second is invisible, the third part is visible, etc. Parts can be specified with lengths, percentages, fractions (expressed by the ‘fr’ unit, as per [CSS3GRID] or its editor's edition), and the ‘repeat()’ function. The ‘normal’ value means that the border is not split, but shown normally.

border-parts’ is a shorthand property for the four individual properties.

If the listed parts are shorter than the border, any remaining border is split proportionally between the specified fractions. If there are no fractions, the behavior is as if ‘1fr’ had been specified at the end of the list.

If the listed parts are longer than the border, the specified parts will be shown in full until the end of the border. In this case, all fractions will be zero.

For horizontal borders, parts are listed from left to right. For vertical borders, parts are listed from top to bottom.

The ‘repeat()’ function specifies a "repeat pattern" that is repeated as many times as possible. Only one ‘repeat()’ function is allowed in a value. The repeat pattern must contain at least one length or percentage, otherwise the declaration must be ignored. The exact border parts are determined by laying out the specified border parts with all fractions initially set to zero. The border parts specified before and after the ‘repeat()’ function are laid out first. Thereafter, the repeat pattern is inserted between them at least once, and as many times as possible without making the sum of border parts longer than the border length. Any remaining border is split proportionally between the fractions specified.

The value of the repeat() function is disputed.

The exact border parts are determined by laying out the specified border parts with all fractions initially set to zero. Any remaining border is split proportionally between the fractions specified.

border-parts: 10px 1fr 10px;
border-parts-top: 10px 1fr 10px;
border-parts-bottom: 10px 1fr 10px;
border-parts-right: 5px 1fr 5px;
border-parts-left: 5px 1fr 5px;

By making the first part have zero length, the inverse border of the previous example can easily be created:

border-parts-top: 0 10px 1fr 10px;
border-parts-bottom: 0 10px 1fr 10px;
border-parts-right: 0 5px 1fr 5px;
border-parts-left: 0 5px 1fr 5px;
border: thin solid black;
border-parts: 0 1fr; /* hide borders */
border-parts-top: 10px 1fr 10px; /* make certain borders visible */
border-parts-bottom: 10px 1fr 10px;
border-top: thin solid black;
border-bottom: thin solid black;
border-parts-top: 10px;
border-parts-bottom: 10px;
border-top: thin solid black;
border-parts: 10px;

This rendering:

A sentence consists of words¹.
¹ Most often.
can be achieved with this style sheet:
@footnote {
  border-top: thin solid black;
  border-parts: 4em;
border: 2px solid black;
border-top-parts: repeat(10px 10px);

In this example, the repeat pattern is shown five times and there is, by coincidence, no remaining border.

border: 2px solid black;
border-top-parts: repeat(10px 10px);

In this example, the repeat pattern is shown five times. The box in this example is slightly wider than the box in the previous example. The remaining border is taken up by a fraction, as if this code had been specified:

border: 2px solid black;
border-top-parts: repeat(10px 10px) 1fr;

The fragment is shown in red for illustrative purposes; it should be shown in black by a compliant UA.

border: 4px solid black;
border-top-parts: 40px 20px 0 1fr repeat(20px 20px) 0 1fr 40px;

In this example, there will be a visible 40px border part on each end of the top border. Inside the 40px border parts, there will be an invisible border part of at least 20px. Inside these invisible border parts, there will be visible border parts, each 20px long with 20px invisible border parts between them.

The fragments are shown in red for illustrative purposes; they should not be visible in compliant UAs.

border: 4px solid black;
border-top-parts: 40px 20px 0 1fr 20px 20px 0 1fr 40px;

In this example, there will be a visible 40px border part on each end of the top border. Inside the 40px border parts, there will be an invisible border part of at least 20px. Inside these invisible border parts, there will be visible border parts, each 20px long with 20px invisible border parts between them.

The fragments are shown in red for illustrative purposes; they should not be visible in compliant UAs.

border: 4px solid black;
border-parts-top: 3fr 10px 2fr 10px 1fr 10px 10px 10px 1fr 10px 2fr 10px 3fr;

All but one of the visible border parts are represented as fractions in this example. The length of these border parts will change when the width of the element changes. Here is one rendering where 1fr ends up being 10px:

Here is another rendering where 1fr ends up being 30px:

The fragments are shown in red for illustrative purposes; they should be black in compliant UAs.

8 Pulling elements: the ''target-pull()'' value

In order to move an element from one place in the presentation to another, the ''target-pull()'' value is introduced on the 'content' property. The value uses a functional notation and takes a URI value as argument. In combination with the 'content' property, target elements can be pulled to the anchor element. The content of the anchor element is lost. The target element is only moved in the presentation of the document and not in the structure of the document.

Consider this code:

@media print {
  .footnote { 
     float: footnote; 
     content: target-pull(attr(href, url)) }
  .footnote::footnote-call { content: counter(footnote, super-decimal) }
  .footnote::footnote-marker { content: counter(footnote, super-decimal) }
  .marker { display: none }
<p>A sentence consists of words<a class="footnote" href="#words"> [3]</a>.</p>
<p id="words"><span class="marker">[3]</span> Most often.</p>

As a result of the ‘target-pull()’ value, the last p element is moved from its normal place of presentation and into the footnote.

9 Pushing elements: named flows

Footnotes and running elements are print-specific conventions that move content from one place to another in the presentation of a document. In this section, a generic mechanism for moving content is described: named flows make it possible to push elements from one place in the presentation to another. Different from footnotes, named flows are not counted by default. Also, while UAs are allowed to employ certain heuristics when formatting footnotes, this is not the case for named flows.

Named flows introduce two new values:

  1. On the ‘float’ property, ‘to()’ is introduced to indicate that the element should be pushed from its natural position in the presentation and into a named flow.
  2. On the ‘content’ property, ‘from()’ is introduced to indicate that a named flow should be emptied and that the emptied elements should become the content of the element. The ‘from()’ value cannot be combined with any other values.

Elements that are moved into a new flow are removed from their current position to where ‘from()’ has been set. Elements that are moved into a named flow are only displayed once.

Named flows can be used to create endnotes:

.note { 
  float: to(endnote);
div.chapter::after { content: from(endnote) }

Consider this markup:

<contrib contrib-type="author">
    <given-names>Donald E.</given-names>

combined with this style sheet:

surname { float: to(lastname) }
given-names::after { content: from(lastname) }
role::before { content: ", " }
will result in this presentation:
Donald E. Knuth, professor

Just like footnotes, elements in named flows can have call and marker pseudo-elements. However, these pseudo-elements are not shown by default.

Notes inside tables can be moved to after the table by way of a named flow.

table .note { float: to(tablenote); counter-increment: tablenotes }
table .note::note-marker { content: counter(tablenotes, super-decimal) }
table .note::note-call { content: counter(tablenotes, super-decimal) }
table::after { content: from(tablenote) }

How does one remove identical table notes?

If a named flow isn't emptied, its content is lost.

Consider this code:

.remove { to(dev-null) }

If there is no corresponding ‘from(dev-null)’ value, elements with class names "remove" are not displayed. The effect is identical to this code:

.remove { display: none }

Named flows can be used to create sidenotes. In this example, notes are floated into margin boxes in the outside margins:

.note { 
  float: to(sidenote);
@page :left {
  @left-bottom {
    content: from(sidenote);
@page :right {
  @right-bottom {
    content: from(sidenote);

10 Hyphenation

10.1 Hyphenate properties

This specification defines six new properties to describe hyphenation.

Name: hyphens
Value: none | manual | auto
Initial: manual
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

Values are:

Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points.
Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities. Characters can be explicit or conditional.

In Unicode, U+00AD is a conditional "soft hyphen" and U+2010 is an explicit hyphen. Unicode Standard Annex #14 describes the role of soft hyphens in the Unicode Line breaking algorithm.

In HTML, &shy; represents the soft hyphen character which suggests a line break opportunity.

Words can be broken at appropriate hyphenation points, as determined by characters inside the word, resources listed in ‘hyphenate-resource’, or other UA-dependent resources. Characters inside the word take priority over hyphenation points determined by other resources.
Name: hyphenate-resource
Value: none | <uri> [, <uri> ]*
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies a comma-separated list of external resources that can help the UA determine hyphenation points. If more than one resource is specified, the UA should consult each resource until it finds one that is able to determine hyphenation points in a word. The ‘none’ value indicates that no external resources are available. In any case, the UA can also use local resources not listed on this property.

Often, finding the right hyphenate resource is based on knowing the language of the text. The lang attribute is recommended for encoding the language, and the corresponding selector is used in this example:

:lang(dk) { hyphenate-resource: url("hyph_da_DK.dic"), url("hyph_da_NO.dic") }
Name: hyphenate-before
Value: <integer> | auto
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word before the hyphenation character. The ‘auto’ value means that the UA chooses a value that adapts to the current layout.

Unless the UA is able to calculate a better value, it is suggested that ‘auto’ means 2.

Name: hyphenate-after
Value: <integer> | auto
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word after the hyphenation character. The ‘auto’ value means that the UA chooses a value that adapts to the current layout.

Unless the UA is able to calculate a better value, it is suggested that ‘auto’ means 2.

Name: hyphenate-lines
Value: no-limit | <integer>
Initial: no-limit
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property indicates the maximum number of successive hyphenated lines in an element. In some cases, user agents may not be able to honor the specified value. The ‘no-limit’ value means that there is no limit.

Name: hyphenate-character
Value: auto | <string>
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies a string that is shown when a hyphenate-break occurs. The ‘auto’ value means that the User Agent should find an appropriate value.

In Latin scripts, the hyphen character (U+2010) is often used to indicate that a word has been split. Normally, it will not be necessary to set it explicitly. However, this can easily be done:

article { hyphenate-character: "\2010" }

10.2 Named counter styles

CSS defines a number of predefined list style types for the ‘list-style-type’ property and other places where a list-style-type value is accepted. Some styles repeat the same glyph (e.g., ‘disc’ and ‘circle’) while others have lists of glyphs (e.g., ‘decimal’, and ‘lower-roman’). To increase the range of lists that can be achieved through CSS without adding many new keywords, @counter-style rules are introduced. By using @counter-style, a style sheet can name new counter styles.

An @counter-style rule consists of the keyword ‘@counter-style’, followed by the name of the symbol counter style, followed by a space-separated list of strings.

@counter-style daggers "*" "\2020" "\2021" "\A7" "#";
ol { list-style-type: daggers }
@counter-style ordinal "1st" "2nd" "3rd" "4th";
h1:before { content: counter(chapter, ordinal) " chapter" }

The first string in the list represents number one, the second string represents number two, etc. Outside the range of specified values, the rendering will be as if the ‘decimal’ list style type had been specified.

Consider this example:

@counter-style ordinal "1st" "2nd" "3rd" "4th";
ordered-list { counter-reset: items -1 }
list-item { counter-increment: items 2 }

For a series of list-item elements inside an ordered-list element, the value of the items counter will be -1, 1, 3, 5, 7 etc. Given that the ordinal counter style only defines a counter style for 1, 2, 3, and 4, the list will be numbered "-1", "1st", "3rd", "5", "7" etc.

Named counter styles can be imported through @import statements.

@import url(http://www.example.com/armenian-counters.css); /* defines 'armenian' */
ol { list-style-type: armenian }

10.3 The ‘symbols()’ list-style-type

A new list-style-type with a functional notation is introduced to avoid the indirection of having to name counter styles. The ‘symbols()’ value takes a comma-separated list of strings as arguments.

::footnote-call {
    content: counter(footnote, symbols('*', '+', '!'))

Outside the range of specified values, the rendering will be as if the ‘decimal’ list style type had been specified.

This code:
ol { list-style: symbols("*", "\2020", "\2021", "\A7", "#") }
will result in these list-items markers: * † ‡ § # 6 7 8 ...

11 Character substitution

It is sometimes convenient to replace one character with another without changing the source document. For example, the apostrophe character is easily found on keyboards, but in print it is often better to replace it with a quotation character. The ‘text-replace’ property offers a way to perform the replacement in the style sheet.

This property only applies to batch processors.

11.1 The ‘text-replace’ property

Name: text-replace
Value: [<string> <string>]+ | none
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes or?
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: as specified value

This property is used to replace all occurrences of a certain string with another string in the content of the element. The property accepts pairs of strings as value, in addition to the initial ‘none’ value. For each pair of strings, occurrences of the first string in the content will be replaced with the second string. If ‘none’ is specified, no replacements will occur.

In this example, the apostrophe character is converted to a quotation character.

body { text-replace: "'" "\2019" }

In this example, the string "--" is replaced with the em-dash character:

body { text-replace: "--" "\2014" }

In this example, the string "..." is replaced with the ellipsis character:

body { text-replace: "..." "\2026" }

In this example, all references to ‘Soviet Union’ are replaced with ‘Russia’.

body { text-replace: "Soviet Union" "Russia" }

Text replacements are applied sequentially.

The two rules below yield the same result. In the first rule all ‘a’ characters are converted to ‘b’. Subsequently, all ‘b’ characters are converted to ‘c’. In the second rule, all ‘a’ and ‘b’ characters are converted directly to ‘c’.

body { text-replace: "a" "b" "b" "c" }
body { text-replace: "a" "c" "b" "c" }

If text replacements are specified on two elements that have an ancestor-descender relationship, only the setting on the youngest element is applied.

In this example, only the second declaration has any effect on text inside the body element.

html { text-replace: "a" "b" }
body { text-replace: "c" "d" }

The first string in a pair must have at least one character, while the second may be empty.

In this example, all ‘a’ characters are removed.

body { text-replace: "a" "" }

If the first string of a pair is empty, or if an odd number of strings has been specified, the whole value is ignored and no text replacements are performed.

This property is evaluated after the ‘content’ property, and before ‘text-transform’.

This property is applied after the ‘white-space’ property.

Consider this CSS code:

p { text-replace: "Soviet Union" "Russia"; }

Text replacements would occur in both these paragraphs:

<p>Hello Soviet Union!</p>
<p>Hello Soviet

Consider this CSS code:

p { 
  text-replace: "Soviet Union" "Russia"; 
  white-space: pre;

Due to the preservation of white space, a text replacement would only occur in the first of these paragraphs:

<p>Hello Soviet Union!</p>
<p>Hello Soviet

This property is very powerful and must be used with great care. The purpose of this property is to beautify the presentation of text when changing the source document is impractical.

One weakness is that it is not able to perform a the commonly requested task of replacing pairs of double quotes with proper quote marks. One way of addressing this would be to add support for regular expressions. For example:

body { text-replace: 's/"([^"]*?)"/«$1»/g' }

Another option is to allow uneven number of strings in the value:

body { text-replace: '"' '«' '»' }

In the example above, the first double quote (") would be replace by "«", the second would be replaced by "»" etc. In order for this to work, commas would have to be introduced in order to distinguish between the different sets of replacements:

body { text-replace: "Soviet Union" "Russia", '"' '«' '»' }

Another approach is to select the text to be replaced in the selector:

*::text("Soviet Union") { content: "Russia" }

12 Image resolution

Image resolution, as the term is used in this document, means pixels per physical length, e.g., pixels per inch. Some image formats can record information about the resolution of images. This information can be helpful when determining the actual size of the image in the formatting process. However, the information can also be wrong, in which case it should be ignored. The ‘image-resolution’ property is introduced to determine the correct resolution of images.

Name: image-resolution
Value: normal | [ from-image || <dpi> ]
Initial: normal
Applies to: replaced elements and background images
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: a <dpi> value

This property accepts either a single value, or a comma-separated list of two values. The values are:

The resolution of the image is unknown, and UAs must not use the resolution found in the image. Instead, the image resolution will be found by making image pixels equivalent to CSS pixels.
The UA must look for the resolution in the image itself.
The value consists of a number with a ‘dpi’ unit identifier. The UA must use the specified resolution.

If the ‘from-image’ keyword is combined with a dpi value, the resolution of the image is used if it can be found. Otherwise, the specified resolution is used.

This rule specifies that the UA should use the image resolution found in the image itself.

img { image-resolution: from-image }

These rules both specify that the UA should use the image resolution found in the image itself. If the image has no resolution, the resolution is set to 300dpi.

img { image-resolution: from-image 300dpi }
img { image-resolution: 300dpi from-image }

Using this rule, the image resolution is set to 300dpi and the resolution in the image, if any, is ignored.

img { image-resolution: 300dpi }

13 Page marks and bleed area

The ‘marks’ property from [CSS2] is part of this specification.

Name: marks
Value: [ crop || cross ] | none
Initial: none
Applies to: page context
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual, paged
Computed value: specified value

This property adds crop and/or cross marks to the document. Crop marks indicate where the page should be cut. Cross marks are used to align sheets.

Crop marks and cross marks are printed outside the page box. To have room to show crop and cross marks, the final pages will have to be somewhat bigger than the page box.

To set crop and cross marks on a document, this code can be used:

@page { marks: crop cross }
Name: bleed
Value: <length>
Initial: 6pt
Applies to: page context
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of page box
Media: visual
Computed value: as specified value

This property specifies the extent of the page bleed area outside the page box. This property only has effect if crop marks are enabled.


Some document formats have the capability of holding bookmarks. Bookmarks are typically shown outside the document itself, often a tree-structured and clickable table of contents to help navigate in the electronic version of the document. To generate bookmarks, these properties are defined:

Name: bookmark-level
Value: none | <integer>
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

This property describes what level a certain bookmark has in a hierarchical bookmark structure. The highest level is ‘1’, then ‘2’, ‘3’ etc.

h1 { bookmark-level: 1 }
h2 { bookmark-level: 2 }
h3 { bookmark-level: 3 }
Name: bookmark-label
Value: content() | attr() | <string>
Initial: content()
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies the label of the bookmark, i.e., the text that will represent the bookmark in the bookmark structure.

a { bookmark-label: attr(title, string) }
h1 { bookmark-label: content() }
h2 { bookmark-label: content(before) }
#frog { bookmark-label: "The green frog" }
Name: bookmark-target
Value: none | <uri> | <attr>
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: For URI values, the absolute URI; for attr() values, the resulting URI or string; for other keywords, as specified.

This property specifies the target of the bookmark link.

.bookmark {
   bookmark-label: attr(title, string);
   bookmark-target: attr(href, url);
<a class="bookmark" title="The green pear" href="#pears"/>
.exable { bookmark-label: url(http://www.example.com) }
Name: bookmark-state
Value: open | closed
Initial: open
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

This property describes the initial state of a bookmark.

* { bookmark-state: closed }
#open { bookmark-state: open }

15 CMYK colors

PDF can hold two types of CMYK values: device-specific and color-profile-specific. In the latter case, we may need to point to a color profile.

Printers do not use RGB colors, they (often) use CMYK: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. A new functional value allows style sheets to express CMYK colors.

h3 { color: cmyk(0.8, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3) }

The values representing the colors are between ‘0’ and ‘1’. Values outside this range are clipped.

Unless a color profile is specified, the cmyk() value refers to device-specific colors. A future version of this specification will describe how to link to color profiles.

It is not expected that screen-centric user agents support CMYK colors and it is therefore important that existing CSS color values can be combined with CMYK colors.

h3 {
  color: red;
  color: cmyk(0.5, 0.1, 0.0, 0.2);

User Agents that do not understand the cmyk() value, will use the first color (red). User agents that understand cmyk() will use the second color (which is bluish).

16 Creating paged presentations

Printed publications are paged, while screen-based presentations of web pages are most often presented in a continuous manner with a scrollbar on the side. There are reasons to believe that screen-based presentations also could benefit from using paged presentations. There is nothing in web specifications that prevent browsers from adding a page-based mode today. However, most web content is authored and styled with a continuous presentation in mind. This could change if it becomes possible to describe paged presentations in style sheets.

The simplest way to signal that a paged presentation is preferable is to add a value to the ‘overflow’ property. For example:

body { overflow: paged }

One challenge when introducing paged presentations on screens is that the user will need navigational tools to reach the next and previous pages. For scrolled presentations, the user agent automatically provides scrollbars. This solution could also work for paged presentations. However, it must be expected that authors want to design their own navigational tools. For example, authors may want to make their own buttons from images. In order to separate the style and the presentation, these navigational tools should not be part of the document.

17 Styling blank pages

Blank pages that appear as a result of forced page breaks can be styled with the :blank pseudo-class.

In this example, forced page break may occur before h1 elements.

h1 { page-break-before: left }

@page :blank {
  @top-center { content: "This page is intentionally left blank" }

The :blank pseudo-class has the same specificity as the :first pseudo-class. A page matched by :blank will still be matched by other page selectors.

If headers have been specified on all right pages, a blank right page will be matched by both :blank and :right. Therefore, margin boxes set on right pages will have to be removed unless they are wanted on blank pages. Here is an example where the top center header is removed from blank pages, while the page number remains:

h1 { page-break-before: left }

@page :blank {
  @top-center { content: none }

@page :right {
  @top-center { content: "Preliminary edition" }
  @bottom-center { content: counter(page) }

Due to the higher specificity of :blank over :right, the top center header is removed even if content: none comes before content: "Preliminary edition".

18 Page floats

Images and figures are sometimes displayed at the top or bottom of pages. Also, an element may be moved to the next page or not displayed at all if there is not enough room on its native page. These types of floats are called "page floats" in this specification.

To support page floats, the float property is extended with several new values. In this list, the new values are listed and categorized (along with the existing ‘left’, ‘right’ and ‘none’ keywords, and the ‘footnote’ and ‘to()’ as described above):

The keywords can be combined to form more complex expressions.

This code floats figures to the top of the next page:

.figure { 
  float: top next page;

Further, the ‘float’ property is extended to accept a comma-separated list of sets of keywords. If the first set of keywords cannot be honored with the element remaining on the current page, the second set of keywords will determine how the element is floated.

In this example, the element will be floated to the top of the next page unless it fits on the current page.

.figure { 
  float: none, top next page;

The new values have the following meaning:

On a right page, this value is synonymous with ‘left’. On a left page, this value is synonymous with ‘right’.
On a left page, this value is synonymous with ‘left’, On a right page, this value is synonymous with ‘right’.
Indicates that the page area is the containing block for the element.
Indicates that the multicol element is the containing block for the element.
This keyword indicates that the element is floated to the top of the flow root.
This keyword indicates that the element is floated to the bottom of the flow root.
The float is placed on top of the next page from its source location. If combined with ‘bottom’, the float is placed on the bottom of the next page.
The element is floated to a named page. The named page is created for the element, unless a suitable named page already has been created by another ‘page()’ value. The name page should appear as early as possible, but any ‘next’ keywords should be honored.
The element is floated to one or more named pages of the type specified. These named pages are created for the purpose of showing the element, and they are presented as early as possible after the page from which they are displaced. If the element is not the first page float to be displaced from this page area to this named page name, its contents should continue on the last of the previously established named pages (unless precluded, for example by page-breaking properties).
As if ‘display: none’ is set.

The keywords can be combined into sets this way:

Float element to the top of the page:

.figure { 
  float: top page;
  width: 1gr;

Float element to the top of the next page:

.figure { 
  float: top next page;
  width: 1gr;

Float figure to the top right of the multi-column element:

.figure { 
  float: top right multicol;
  width: 1gr;

Place footnotes at the bottom of the inside columns:

@footnote { 
  float: bottom inside multicol; 
  width: 1gr;

Place figure on top of current column:

.figure { 
  float: top;

If there is room on the current page, show the element in place. If there isn't room on the current page, hide the element.

.figure { 
  float: none, hide;

In this example, wide tables are floated to landscape pages:

table.wide { 
  float: page(landscape);
In the above code, the element is take out of the flow, which is allowed to continue on the same page. If the flow should be broken, this code can be used:
table.wide { 
  page: landscape;

Consider this code:

table { 
  float: page(landscape);

If two tables appear consecutively, they will both, space permitting, be placed on the same named page. To ensure that each table appears on its own page, this code can be used:

table { 
  float: page(landscape);
  page-break-before: always;

For non-replaced elements in horizontal text, values on ‘float’ that have a horizontal component (‘right’, ‘left’, ‘outside’, ‘inside’) will result in shrink-wrap width calculations as per CSS 2.1 section 10.3.5. Values that only have a vertical component (‘top’, ‘bottom’, ‘next’, not in combination with other values) will result in width calculations as per CSS 2.1 section 10.3.3. In vertical text, width calculations are vice versa.

19 Advanced multi-column layout

In paged media, it is common for figures, captions, images, and quotes to be laid out in certain positions for typographical reasons, rather than for structural (as in content order) reasons. For example, an image that illustrates a news story is often placed in the upper right corner of the article, irrespective of its order in the content. A poignant quote from the article may be shown in large type in the column gap, pushing aside text in both columns, to get the attention of the reader.

Basic multi-column layouts is described in a separated CSS3 module [CSS3COL]. This section extends multi-column functionality so that more advanced, but commonly used, layouts can be achieved.

The proposed functionality relies on three new components:

The strategy for achieving advanced multi-column layout is similar to page floats; elements escape their normal flow root by setting a value on ‘float’. In the case of multi-column layout, the keyword is ‘multicol’ (instead of ‘page’) and it indicates that the element should floated wrt. the multi-column element instead of the column where it naturally occurs.

To further enhance positioning, the ‘float-offset’ property is introduced. It pushes elements in the opposite direction of the positional keywords, both horizontally and vertically.

The ‘gr’ unit is introduced to allow the grid lines of columns (and, potentially, tables) to be used in the positioning ans sizing of elements. Each column has one grid line on each side corresponding to the content edge of the content box.

The ‘gr’ unit has two purposes. When used on the ‘float-offset’ property it identifies a position by counting columns and gaps from the position established by the ‘float’ property. Fractions on the ‘gr’ unit refer to fractions of the last counted gap or column.

When used on the ‘width’ property, the ‘gr’ unit identifies a length by counting gaps and columns, starting at the point where the element naturally finds itself and continuing in the direction of box expansion. Fractions on the ‘gr’ unit refer to the last gap or column counted.

19.1 The ‘float-offset’ property

Name: float-offset
Value: <length> <length> ?
Initial: 0 0
Applies to: floated elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width and height of containing block
Media: visual, paged
Computed value: one or two absolute lengths

This property pushes floated elements in the opposite direction of the where they have been floated with ‘float’. If one value is specified, it is the horizontal offset. If two values are specified, the first is the horizontal and the second is the vertical offset. If an element has only been floated horizontally (e.g., by setting ‘float: right’), this property will only offset the float horizontally, even if a vertical value also has been specified. Likewise, if an element has only been floated vertically, this property will only offset the float vertically. If an element has been floated both horizontally and vertically, this property will offset both horizontally and vertically. If no vertical value has been specified, the vertical offset is set to zero.

If the ‘gr’ unit or percentage unit is used, it means that the middle of the float should be aligned with the specified grid line (or portion thereof).

If another unit is used, it means that the float is pushed a distance equal to the specified length.

float-offset’ is a good concept for moving a float into the right position. For completeness it should apply to absolute positioning as well. We should reuse existing naming conventions already in place for abspos elements (e.g., 'offset-left, ‘right’, or call it ‘shift left, ’shift right' etc.).

This code serves as the base document for the examples of this section:

div {
  column-width: 15em;
  column-gap: 2em;               /* shown in red below */
  column-rule: thin solid black; /* shown in black below */
  padding: 1em;                  /* shown in blue below */
img {
  display: block;                /* shown in dark gray below */
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nam at jus.
<img src="foo"/>
Sed imp er di et ris. Cur abi tur et sapen.

This code can be rendered as:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.

Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

If this code is added to the base document:

img { float: right }

it may be rendered as:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
er di
et ris.
tur et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

This code floats images to the bottom of their containing block and sets the width to be that of the column:

img { 
  float: bottom;
  width: 1gr;

The column box is the containing block for floats, so if an image naturally appears in the first column it will float to its bottom:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

This code floats figures to the top of the multi-column element.

div.figure { 
  float: top right multicol; 
  width: 1gr }

The ‘1gr’ value on ‘width’ is equal to the width of the containing block. Here is a possible rendering:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

In this code, the ‘float’ property floats the element to the top left of the multi-column element, while the ‘float-offset’ property pushes it to the right so that it ends up in the column next to it:

div.quote { 
  float: top left multicol; 
  float-offset: 2.5gr; 
  width: 1gr }

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Assuming a three-column layout, the same rendering can be achieved by floating the element to the right instead:

div.quote { 
  float: top right multicol; 
  float-offset: 2gr; 
  width: 1gr }

The floated element will never be pushed outside the content edges of the multicol element due to ‘float-offset’.

img {
  float: top right multicol;
  width: 3gr;

The code above floats the element to the top right of the multi-column element. Further, it sets the width of images to the width of two columns plus the gap between them. Here is a possible rendering.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

img {
  float: top right multicol;
  width: 2gr;

The code above floats the element to the top right of the multi-column element. Further, it sets the width of the image to the width of one column plus one column gap. Here is a possible rendering.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

img {
  float: top right multicol;
  width: 1.5gr;

The code above floats the element to the top right of the multi-column element. Further, it sets the width of the image to the width of one column plus half the column gap.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

img { 
  float: top left multicol;
  float-offset: 1.5gr 50%;
  width: 8em;

The first rule in the code above floats images to the top left of the multi-column element. The second rule pushes the float in the opposite directions: to the right and downwards. The horizontal component (‘1.5gr’) means that the horizontal middle of the element should be in the middle of the gap between the left-most column and the one next to it. Vertically, element should be in the middle of the column. Here is a possible rendering:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
er di
et ris.
tur et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.

er di
et ris.
tur et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

img { 
  float: top left multicol;
  float-offset: 1.25gr 50%;
  width: 6em;

The only difference between this and the previous example is the horizontal value on ‘float-offset’. The value ‘1.25gr’ means that a point 25% into the image in the inline direction will be aligned with a point 25% into the column gap. Here is a possible rendering:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imper di et
ris. Cur abi tur
et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a sic
turpis. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit
amet. Namat jus. Sed
imper di et ris curit.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.

er di
et ris.
tur et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

20 Page lists

In CSS 2.0, the ‘page’ property takes one value, and the value can be ‘auto’ or a named page.

In this specification, a space-separated list of named pages (called a "page list") is allowed in the ‘page’ property and the property is changed from inherited to non-inherited.

20.1 The ‘page’ property

Name: page
Value: auto | [ <identifier> ]+ auto?
Initial: auto
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

The content of the element is laid out on the list of pages specified on this property. The values mean:

A single ‘auto’ value means that the element is laid out on the established page list. If no page list has been established, unnamed pages are created as necessary.
one or more named pages, optionally followed by ‘auto
The element is laid out on the named pages specified in the page list. A page break is generated before the element unless the first named page in the list is the same as the current page. If more pages are required than there are items in the page list, the last item is repeated so that the element can be displayed. If the page list ends with the ‘auto’ keyword, the page list continues after the end of the element, otherwise the page list reverts back to that of the parent element.
  <div class="chapter">
    <h1>The beginning</h1>

  <div class="chapter">
    <h1>The end</h1>

Given the above markup, this style sheet will put the content on pages that have chapter titles at the top — except the first page of each chapter.

  @page chapter { 
    @top-center { content: string(title) }
  @page chapter-start { 
    @top-center { content: none }

  div.chapter { page: chapter-start chapter }
  h1 { string-set: title content() }

This code will do the same using the :first pseudo-class:

  @page chapter { 
    @top-center { content: string(title) }
  @page chapter:first { 
    @top-center { content: none }

  div.chapter { page: chapter; page-break-before: always; }
  h1 { string-set: title content() }

Note that chapter:first only applies if the is a forced page break before the first chapter page.

  <h1>The beginning</h1>
  <h1>The end</h1>

Given the above markup, this style sheet will put the content on pages that have chapter titles at the top — except the first page of each chapter.

  @page chapter { 
    @top-center { content: string(title) }
  @page chapter-start { 
    @top-center { content: none }
  h1 { page: chapter-start chapter auto;
       string-set: title content() }

Elements following h1 elements will continue on page sequence specified on the h1 elements due to the ‘auto’ value at the end of the page list.


Given the above markup, this style sheet will put all tables on "rotated" pages, with a page break before and after each table:

  @page rotated { size: landscape }
  table { page: rotated }
    <p>This text is rendered on a 'narrow' page</p>

Given the above markup, this style sheet will put the two tables on "rotated" pages. The tables will be placed on the same pages if there is room. The paragraph following the tables will be placed on the "narrow" page.

  @page narrow { size: 9cm 18cm }
  @page rotated { size: landscape }
  div { page: narrow }
  table { page: rotated }

21 Continuation markers

Continuation markers are used to indicate that an element continues from one page to the next. The ::before-page-break pseudo-element is shown after the last line before the page break. The ::after-page-break pseudo-element is shown before the first line after the page break. Continuation markers otherwise act as ::marker pseudo-elements [CSS3LIST], except that the value of ‘list-style-position’ is honored on the pseudo-elements rather than the host element.

p::before-page-break { 
   list-style-position: outside;
   content: url(to-arrow.png);
p::after-page-break { 
   list-style-position: outside;
   content: url(from-arrow.png);

22 Change bars

Change bars are used to indicate that a change has occurred in a section of a document. The changed section does not necessarily correspond to an element and (given the tree structure of common markup languages) it is not always possible to create any such element.

To avoid these limitations, the beginning of a change mark is associated with one element and the end of a change mark is associated with another element.

Change bars do not take up space in the layout.

p.change-start { 
  change-bar: thin solid red;
  change-bar-class: change1;
  change-bar-offset: 0.3em;
  change-bar-side: left; /* or right, inside, outside */

p.change-end { 
  change-bar-class: change1;

This model is borrowed from XSL-FO.

23 Line numbers

This is an early sketch of what may turn into a more complete proposal.

Line numbers are sometimes used to reference particular lines of a document. Line numbers can be generated through pseudo-elements.

In this example, line numbers are shown on the left side of every fifth line. Also, the line number counter is reset on every page.

::line-number-left(5) { 
   font: 10pt serif; 
   content: counter(line);

@page { counter-reset: line }

These are the pseudo-elements that can set line numbers: ‘line-number-left’, ‘line-number-right’, ‘line-number-inside’, ‘line-number-outside’.

The ‘line’ counter is set to zero at the beginning of the document and incremented by one for each line box of elements in the normal flow, excluding tables.

The use of multiple pseudo-elements to control where the line counter appears seems clumsy, but there doesn't seem to be any other way to get that functionality without adding more properties.

24 Generated lists

Books typically have sections that are extracted from the main content, for example, a the table of contents (TOC) in the front and an index at the back. Also, there are glossaries and lists of figures (LOF) and lists of tables (LOT). These sections can all be referred to as generated lists; they are generated from the main content, and have the nature of lists. Some lists are sorted alphabetically (e.g., an index and a glossary), and others reflect the order of the content (e.g., TOCs, LOFs, and LOTs).

To generate lists in CSS, a prototype list must be established. Generated list items will be flowed into the prototype list, but it can also contain content of its own. The prototype list is identified with the ‘prototype’ property. To add generated list items to the prototype list, the ‘prototype-insert’ property is used. The ‘prototype-insert-position’ and ‘prototype-insert-policy’ properties describe where and how generated list items are inserted into the prototype list.

24.1 The prototype properties

Name: prototype
Value: list | none
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

This property declares that an element is a prototype list. A prototype list can hold generated list items inside it. Prototype lists cannot be nested. For each prototype list, the user agent must remember the current insert position.

Strictly, this property isn't necessary -- one could infer from ‘prototype-insert-position’ or ‘prototype-insert-policy’ that something is a prototype list.

Name: prototype-insert
Value: <identifier> [ content() || content(before) || content(after) || content(first-letter) [, <identifier> [ content() || content(before) || content(after) || content(first-letter) ] ]* | none
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies a comma-separated list of elements that should be generated in generated lists. The initial ‘none’ value means that no elements are generated. The comma-separated list consists of the name of the ID attribute of a prototype element with a starting ‘#’, and a specification of the content which is to be generated. The content is one or more of these, in any order: content(), content(before), content(after), content(first-letter). The content is inserted into prototype element if it is empty, otherwise into the first empty element inside the prototype element.

Name: prototype-insert-position
Value: current | sorted
Initial: current
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value
Name: prototype-insert-policy
Value: normal | unique
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

24.2 TOC

Here is an example of how to generate a TOC with leaders and page numbers.

  #toc { prototype: list }
  #toc-entry { 
    prototype-insert-position: current;
    font-size: 14pt }
  #toc-entry::after { content: leader('. ') source-counter(page) }
  h1.chapter { prototype-insert: #toc-entry content() }
<div id="toc">
  <h1>Table of contents</h1>
  <div id="toc-entry"></div>
<h1 class="chapter">Introduction</h1>

There are three new properties and one new value on the ‘content’ property in the above example. This rule:

  #toc { prototype: list }

declares that the #toc element is a prototype list that accepts generated lists. This rule:

    prototype-insert-position: current;

specifies that entities in the #toc are to be added at the current position, i.e., inside or after the previous generated list item. This code:

  #toc-entry::after { content: leader('. ') source-counter(page)} 

has one new value (‘source-counter(page)’) which fetches the value of the ‘page’ counter from the source element, i.e., the element which has a ‘prototype-insert’ declaration:

  h1.chapter { prototype-insert: toc-entry content() }

The above rule creates one new element. The new element is isomorphic to the #toc-entry element and is inserted according to the ‘prototype-insert-position’ of #toc-entry.

24.3 Glossary

Glossaries provide a new kind of challenge: entries are sorted alphabetically.

Here is an example of how to generate a glossary:

#glossary { prototype: list }
#glossary-term { prototype-insert-position: sorted }
#glossary-definition { prototype-insert-position: current }
dfn { prototype-insert: glossary-term content(), glossary-definition attr(title) }

<div id="glossary">
<h2>Glossary of terms</h2>
  <dt id="glossary-term">...</dt>
  <dd id="glossary-definition">...</dd>

<p>The <dfn title="Leading paragraph">introduction</dfn> comes first.</p>

By inserting the term ‘sorted’ and the definition in the ‘current’ position, terms will be sorted alphabetically with their respective definition following.

Tables are commonly used to display lists. For example, a list of terms and their definition can be presented this way:

Term Definition
yes expresses assent or agreement
no expresses negation, dissent, denial, or refusal
#glossary { prototype: container }
#glossary-term { prototype-insert-position: sorted  }
#glossary-definition { prototype-insert-position: current }
dfn { prototype-insert: #glossary-term content(), #glossary-definition attr(title) }

<table id="glossary">
	<th style="border: thin solid black">Term</th>
	<th style="border: thin solid black">Definition</th>
<tr id="glossary-term">
	<td id="glossary-definition"></td>
<p>The <dfn title="Leading paragraph">introduction</dfn> comes first.</p>

Note that the #glossary-term element is a table row, while the element is inserted into a table cell. This is due to the table row being a non-empty element and that the first td element is the first empty element.

24.4 Index

An index is a generated list that is sorted alphabetically, just like glossaries. In addition, indexes often have single letters in large font sizes to help humans navigate. For example, all index entries starting with "s" is placed under a large capital "S". There should only be one large capital "S", and if there are no index entries starting with "s" the large "S" isn't shown.

To achieve this kind of presentation, the following strategy is suggested: for every index entry that is encountered, two elements are generated. One is the large capital letter, and the other is the index entry itself. To avoid having one large capital letter before each index entry, the ‘prototype-insert-policy’ property declares that identical generated list elements are to be deleted.

#index {
  prototype: list }
#index-marker {
  prototype-insert-position: sorted 
  prototype-insert-policy: unique; 
  text-transform: uppercase }
#index-entry {
  prototype-insert-position: sorted }
#index-entry::after {
  content: leader(". . ") source-counter(page) }
dfn.entry { 
  prototype-insert: #index-marker content(first-letter), #index-entry content() }

<div id="index">
<div id="index-marker"></div>
<div id="index-entry"></div>

<p>An <dfn class="entry">emphasized element</dfn> stands out.</p>

24.5 A more complex example

Here is a more complex example with several types of generated lists. Note how multilevel TOCs require a prototype list without any additional content. Also, notice how the "acronym" element generates an entry both in the index and in the list of acronyms.

#toc-list {
  prototype: list }

#toc-entry-section {
  font-size: large;
  prototype-insert-position: current }

#toc-entry-subsection {
  font-size: medium;
  prototype-insert-position: current }

#toc-entry-section::after, #toc-entry-subsection::after {
  content: leader('. ') source-counter(page) }

#acronym-list {
  prototype: list }

#acronym-term {
  prototype-insert-position: sorted }

#acronym-definition {
  prototype-insert-position: current }

#index {
  prototype: list }

#index-marker {
  prototype-insert-position: sorted 
  prototype-insert-policy: unique;

#index-entry {
  prototype-insert-position: sorted }

#index-entry::after {
  content: leader('. . ') source-counter(page) }

h2 {
  prototype-insert: #toc-entry content() }

h3 {
  prototype-insert: #toc-entry content() }

acronym { 
          #index-marker content(first-letter), 
          #index-entry content(), 
          #acronym content(), 
          #acronym-definition attr(title);

dfn { prototype-insert: 
          #index-marker content(first-letter), 
          #index-entry content();

<div id="toc">
<h2>Table of contents</h2>
  <div id="toc-list">
    <div id="toc-entry-section"></div>
    <div id="toc-entry-subsection"></div>

<div id="acronym-list">
<h2>List of acronyms</h2>
  <dt id="acronym"></dt>
  <dd id="acronym-definition"></dd>

<div id="index">
<div id="index-marker"></div>
<div id="index-entry"></div>



<p>This part defines the a acronym: <acronym title="HyperText
Markup Language">HTML</acronym>.

<h3>More to learn</h3>

<p>An <dfn>emphasized element</dfn> element stands out.


25 Conformance

26 Appendix A: Default style sheet

@page {
  counter-reset: footnote;
  @footnote {
    counter-increment: footnote;
    float: page bottom;
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;

::footnote-call {
  counter-increment: footnote;
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal); 
::footnote-marker {
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal); 

h1 { bookmark-level: 1 }
h2 { bookmark-level: 2 }
h3 { bookmark-level: 3 }
h4 { bookmark-level: 4 }
h5 { bookmark-level: 5 }
h6 { bookmark-level: 6 }


This document has been improved by Bert Bos, Michael Day, Melinda Grant, David Baron, Markus Mielke, Steve Zilles, Ian Hickson, Elika Etemad, Laurens Holst, Mike Bremford, Allan Sandfeld Jensen, Kelly Miller, Werner Donné, Tarquin (Mark) Wilton-Jones, Michel Fortin, Christian Roth, Brady Duga, Del Merritt, Ladd Van Tol, Tab Atkins Jr., Jacob Grundtvig Refstrup, James Elmore, Ian Tindale, Murakami Shinyu, Paul E. Merrell, Philip Taylor.


Normative references

Ian Hickson; Tantek Çelik. CSS3 module: Lists. 7 November 2002. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-lists-20021107
Chris Lilley; Håkon Wium Lie. CSS3 Values and Units. 19 September 2006. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-css3-values-20060919

Other references

Ian Jacobs; et al. Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2) Specification. 11 April 2008. W3C Recommendation. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS2-20080411
Håkon Wium Lie. CSS3 module: Multi-column layout. 6 June 2007. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-multicol-20070606
Markus Mielke; Alex Mogilevsky. CSS Grid Positioning Module Level 3. 5 September 2007. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-grid-20070905
Melinda Grant; Håkon Wium Lie. CSS3 Module: Paged Media. 10 October 2006. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-css3-page-20061010


Property index

Property Values Initial Applies to Inh. Percentages Media
bleed <length> 6pt page context no refer to width of page box visual
bookmark-label content() | attr() | <string> content() all elements no N/A all
bookmark-level none | <integer> none all elements no N/A all
bookmark-state open | closed open block-level elements no N/A all
bookmark-target none | <uri> | <attr> none all elements no N/A all
border-parts, border-parts-top, border-parts-right, border-parts-bottom, border-parts-left normal | [ <length> | <percentage> | <fraction> | repeat() ]+ normal all elements no refer to width of element height for vertical borders? visual
float-offset <length> <length> ? 0 0 floated elements no refer to width and height of containing block visual, paged
hyphenate-after <integer> | auto auto all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-before <integer> | auto auto all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-character auto | <string> auto all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-lines no-limit | <integer> no-limit all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-resource none | <uri> [, <uri> ]* none all elements yes N/A visual
hyphens none | manual | auto manual all elements yes N/A visual
image-resolution normal | [ from-image || <dpi> ] normal replaced elements and background images yes N/A visual
marks [ crop || cross ] | none none page context no N/A visual, paged
page auto | [ <identifier> ]+ auto? auto block-level elements no N/A all
prototype list | none none all elements no N/A all
prototype-insert <identifier> [ content() || content(before) || content(after) || content(first-letter) [, <identifier> [ content() || content(before) || content(after) || content(first-letter) ] ]* | none none all elements no N/A all
prototype-insert-policy normal | unique normal all elements no N/A all
prototype-insert-position current | sorted current all elements no N/A all
string-set [[ <identifier> <content-list>] [, <identifier> <content-list>]* ] | none none all elements no N/A all
text-replace [<string> <string>]+ | none none all elements yes or? N/A visual