CSS Exclusions and Shapes Module Level 3


This version:
Latest version:
Editor's Draft:
Previous version:
Vincent Hardy, Adobe Systems, Inc.,
Rossen Atanassov, Microsoft Corporation,
Alan Stearns, Adobe Systems, Inc.,
Issues List:
in Bugzilla
www-style@w3.org with subject line “[css-exclusions] … message topic …” (archives)


CSS Exclusions define arbitrary areas around which inline content ([[!CSS21]]) content can flow. CSS Exclusions can be defined on any CSS block-level elements. CSS Exclusions extend the notion of content wrapping previously limited to floats.

CSS Shapes control the geometric shapes used for wrapping inline flow content outside or inside an element. CSS Shapes can be applied to any element. A circle shape on a float will cause inline content to wrap around the circle shape instead of the float's bounding box.

Combining CSS Exclusions and CSS Shapes allows sophisticated layouts, allowing interactions between shapes in complex positioning schemes.

Status of this document

Table of contents


This section is not normative.

The exclusions section of this specification defines features that allow inline flow content to wrap around outside the exclusion area of elements.

The shapes section of the specification defines properties to control the geometry of an element's exclusion area as well as the geometry used for wrapping an element's inline flow content.


Exclusion box

A box ([[!CSS3BOX]]) that defines an exclusion area for other boxes. The 'wrap-flow' property is used to make an element's generated box an exclusion box. An exclusion box contributes its exclusion area to its containing block's wrapping context. An element with a 'float' computed value other than 'none' does not become an exclusion.

Exclusion area

The area used for excluding inline flow content around an exclusion box. The exclusion area is equivalent to the border box for an exclusion box. This specification's 'shape-outside' property can be used to define arbitrary, non-rectangular exclusion areas. The 'shape-inside' property also defines an exclusion area, but in this case it is the area outside the shape that inline content avoids.

Float area

The area used for excluding inline flow content around a float element. By default, the float area is the float element's margin box. This specification's 'shape-outside' property can be used to define arbitrary, non-rectangular float areas.

Exclusion element

An block-level element which is not a float and generates an exclusion box. An element generates an exclusion box when its 'wrap-flow' property's computed value is not 'auto'.

Wrapping context

should the wrapping context be generic and include floats?

The wrapping context of a box is a collection of exclusion areas contributed by its associated exclusion boxes and elements with 'shape-inside'. During layout, a box wraps its inline flow content in the wrapping area that corresponds to the subtraction of its wrapping context from its own content area.

A box inherits its containing block's wrapping context unless it specifically resets it using the 'wrap-through' property.

Content area

The content area is normally used for layout of the inline flow content of a box.

Wrapping area

The area used for layout of inline flow content of a box affected by a wrapping context, defined by subtracting the wrapping context from its content area


shrink-to-fit circle / shape

Outside and inside

In this specification, 'outside' refers to DOM content that is not a descendant of an element while 'inside' refers to the element's descendants.


Exclusion elements define exclusion areas that contribute to their containing block's wrapping context. As a consequence, exclusions impact the layout of their containing block's descendants.

Elements layout their inline content in their content area and wrap around the exclusion areas in their associated wrapping context. If the element is itself an exclusion, it does not wrap around its own exclusion shape and the impact of other exclusions on other exclusions is controlled by the 'z-index' property as explained in the exclusions order section.

The shape properties can be used to change the shape of exclusion areas.

Declaring exclusions

An element becomes an exclusion when its 'wrap-flow' property has a computed value other than 'auto'.

The 'wrap-flow' property

Name: wrap-flow
Value: auto | both | start | end | minimum | maximum | clear
Initial: auto
Applies to: block-level elements.
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Computed value: as specified except for element's whose 'float' computed value is not none, in which case the computed value is 'auto'.

The values of this property have the following meanings:

No exclusion is created. Inline flow content interacts with the element as usual. In particular, if the element is a float (see [[CSS21]]), the behavior is unchanged.
Inline flow content can flow on all sides of the exclusion.
Inline flow content can flow around the start edge of the exclusion area but must leave the area next to the end edge of the exclusion empty.
Inline flow content can flow around the end edge of the exclusion area but must leave the area next to the start edge of the exclusion empty.
Inline flow content can flow around the edge of the exclusion with the smallest available space within the flow content's containing block, and must leave the other edge of the exclusion empty.
Inline flow content can flow around the edge of the exclusion with the largest available space within the flow content's containing block, and must leave the other edge of the exclusion empty.
Inline flow content can only flow before and after the exclusion in the flow content's block direction and must leave the areas next to the start and end edges of the exclusion empty.

If the property's computed value is 'auto', the element does not become an exclusion.

Otherwise, a computed 'wrap-flow' property value of 'both', 'start', 'end', 'minimum', 'maximum' or 'clear' on an element makes that element an exclusion element. It's exclusion shape is contributed to its containing block's wrapping context, causing the containing block's descendants to wrap around its exclusion area.

LTR text wrapping on left edge, RTL text wrapping on right edge, and vertical text wrapping on top edge.

Exclusion with 'wrap-flow: start' interacting with various writing modes.

Determining the relevant edges of the exclusion depends on the writing mode [[!CSS3-WRITING-MODES]] of the content wrapping around the exclusion area.

An exclusion element establishes a new block formatting context (see [[!CSS21]]) for its content.

General illustration showing how exclusions combine

Combining exclusions

The above figure illustrates how exclusions are combined. The outermost box represents an element's content box. The A, B, C and D darker gray boxes represent exclusions in the element's wrapping context. A, B, C and D have their respective 'wrap-flow' computed to 'both', 'start', 'end' and 'clear' respectively. The lighter gray areas show the additional areas that are excluded for inline layout as a result of the 'wrap-flow' value. For example, the area to the right of 'B' cannot be used for inline layout of left-to-right writing mode content because the 'wrap-flow' for 'B' is 'start'.

The background 'blue' area shows what areas are available for a left-to-right writing mode element's inline content layout. All areas represented with a light or dark shade of gray are not available for (left-to-right writing mode) inline content layout.


Fluidity of the layout with respect to different amounts of content

The 'wrap-flow' property values applied to exclusions as grid items.

<div id="grid">
    <div id="top-right" class="exclusion"></div>
    <div id="bottom-left" class="exclusion"></div>
    <div id="content">Lorem ipsum…</div>

<style type="text/css"> 
#grid {
    width: 30em;
    height: 30em;
    display: grid;
    grid-columns: 25% 25% 25% 25%;
    grid-rows: 25% 25% 25% 25%;

#top-right {
    grid-column: 3;
    grid-row: 2;

#bottom-left {
    grid-column: 2;
    grid-row: 3;

.exclusion {
    wrap-flow: <see below>

#content {
    grid-row: 1;
    grid-row-span: 4;
    grid-column: 1;
    grid-column-span: 4;

The following figures illustrate the visual rendering for different values of the 'wrap-flow' property. The gray grid lines are marking the grid cells. and the blue area is the exclusion box (positioned by the grid).

.exclusion{ wrap-flow: auto; } .exclusion{ wrap-flow: both; }
Example rendering for wrap-side: auto Example rendering for wrap-side: both
.exclusion{ wrap-flow: start; } .exclusion{ wrap-flow: end; }
Example rendering for wrap-side: start Example rendering for wrap-side: end
.exclusion{ wrap-flow: minimum; } .exclusion{ wrap-flow: maximum; }
Example rendering for wrap-side: minimum Example rendering for wrap-side: maximum
.exclusion{ wrap-flow: clear; }
Example rendering for wrap-side: clear

Scope and effect of exclusions

An exclusion affects the inline flow content descended from the exclusion's containing block (defined in CSS 2.1 10.1) and that of all descendant elements of the same containing block. All inline flow content inside the containing block of the exclusions is affected. To stop the effect of exclusions defined outside an element, the 'wrap-through' property can be used (see the propagation of exclusions section below).

As a reminder, for exclusions with 'position:fixed', the containing block is that of the root element.

Propagation of Exclusions

By default, an element inherits its parent wrapping context. In other words it is subject to the exclusions defined outside the element.

Setting the 'wrap-through' property to 'none' prevents an element from inheriting its parent wrapping context. In other words, exclusions defined 'outside' the element, have not effect on the element's children layout.

Exclusions defined by an element's descendants still contribute to their containing block's wrapping context. If that containing block is a child of an element with 'wrap-through' computes to none, or the element itself, then exclusion still have an effect on the children of that containing block element.

The 'wrap-through' Property

Name: wrap-through
Value: wrap | none
Initial: wrap
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Computed value: as specified

The values of this property have the following meanings:

The element inherits its parent node's wrapping context. Its descendant inline content wraps around exclusions defined outside the element.
The element does not inherit its parent node's wrapping context. Its descendants are only subject to exclusion shapes defined inside the element.

Using the 'wrap-through' property to control the effect of exclusions.

<style type="text/css"> 
    #grid {
        display: grid;
        grid-columns: 25% 50% 25%;
        grid-rows: 25% 25% 25% 25%;

    #exclusion {
        grid-row: 2;
        grid-row-span: 2;
        grid-column: 2;
        wrap-flow: <see below>
    #rowA, #rowB {
        grid-row-span: 2;
        grid-column: 1;
        grid-column-span: 3;

    #rowA {
        grid-row: 1;
    #rowB {
        grid-row: 3;
<style type="text/css"> 
    .exclusion  {
    	wrap-flow: both; 
    	position: absolute; 
    	left: 20%;
    	top: 20%;
    	width: 50%;
    	height: 50%;
    	background-color: rgba(220, 230, 242, 0.5); 

<div id="grid"> 
    <div class=”exclusion”></div> 
    <div id="rowA" style=”wrap-through: wrap;”> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</div> 
    <div id="rowB" style=”wrap-through: none;”> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</div> 
Example rendering of wrap-through: wrap | none

Exclusions order

Exclusions follow the painting order (See [[!CSS21]] Appendix E). Exclusions are applied in reverse to the document order in which they are defined. The last exclusion appears on top of all other exclusion, thus it affects the inline flow content of all other preceding exclusions or elements descendant of the same containing block. The 'z-index' property can be used to change the ordering of positioned exclusion boxes (see [[!CSS21]]). Statically positioned exclusions are not affected by the 'z-index' property and thus follow the painting order.


Improve Example 3 about exclusion order

Ordering of exclusions.

<style type="text/css"> 
    .exclusion  {
    	wrap-flow: both; 
    	position: absolute; 
    	width: 50%; 
    	height: auto; 

<div class=”exclusion” style=”top: 0px; left: 0px;”> 
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... 
<div id="orderedExclusion" class=”exclusion” style=”top: 25%; left: 25%;”> 
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... 
<div class=”exclusion” style=”top: 50%; left: 50%;”> 
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... 
#orderedExclusion{ z-index: auto; } #orderedExclusion{ z-index: 1; }
Example rendering of default exclusion ordering. Example rendering of default exclusion ordering.

Is the CSS exclusions processing model incorrect?

The current draft provides a model for exclusions without a collision-avoidance model. The existing exclusion model in CSS uses floats, which have both exclusion and collision-avoidance behavior. Concerns have been raised that allowing exclusions without collision avoidance could be harmful, particularly with absolutely-positioned elements. Three options should be considered:

  1. Allow exclusions in positioning schemes with no collision avoidance.
  2. Disallow exclusions in positioning schemes with no collision avoidance.
  3. Define collision-avoidance behavior for positioning schemes without it, and use this behavior by default with exclusions.

Processing model


Applying exclusions is a two-step process:

Step 1: resolve exclusion boxes belonging to each wrapping context

In this step, the user agent determines which containing block each exclusion area belongs to. This is a simple step, based on the definition of containing blocks and elements with a computed value for 'wrap-flow' that is not auto.

Step 2: resolve wrapping contexts and lay out containing blocks

In this step, starting from the top of the rendering tree (see [[!CSS21]]), the agent processes each containing block in two sub-steps.

Step 2-A: resolve the position and size of exclusion boxes

Resolving the position and size of exclusion boxes in the wrapping context may or may not require a layout. For example, if an exclusion box is absolutely positioned and sized, a layout may not be needed to resolve its position and size. In other situations, laying out the containing block's content is required.

When a layout is required, it is carried out without applying any exclusion area. In other words, the containing block is laid out without a wrapping context.

Step 2-A yields a position and size for all exclusion boxes in the wrapping context. Each exclusion box is processed in turn, starting from the top-most, and each exclusion area is computed and contributed to the containing block's wrapping context.

Scrolling is ignored in this step when resolving the position and size of 'position:fixed' exclusion boxes.

Once the containing block's wrapping context is computed, all exclusion boxes in that wrapping context are removed from the normal flow.

Step 2-B: lay out containing block applying wrapping

Finally, the content of the containing block is laid out, with the inline content wrapping around the wrapping content's exclusion areas (which may be different from the exclusion box because of the 'shape-outside' property).

When the containing block itself is an exclusion box, then rules on exclusions order define which exclusions affect the inline and descendant content of the box.


This section illustrates the exclusions processing model with an example. It is meant to be simple. Yet, it contains enough complexity to address the issues of layout dependencies and re-layout.

The code snippet in the following example has two exclusions affecting the document's inline content.

#d1 {
    height: auto;
    color: #46A4E9;
    border: 1px solid gray;

#e1 {
    wrap-flow: both;
    position: absolute; 
    left: 50%; 
    top: 50%; 
    width: 40%; 
    height: 40%; 
    border: 1px solid red;
    margin-left: -20%;
    margin-top: -20%;

#d2 {
    position: static;
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    color: #808080;

#e2 {
    wrap-flow: both;
    position: absolute; 
    right: 5ex; 
    top: 1em; 
    width: 12ex;
    height: 10em; 
    border: 1px solid lime;
    <div id="d1">
        Lorem ipsusm ...
        <p id="e1"></p>
    <div id="d2">
        Lorem ipsusm ...
        <p id="e2" ></p>

The following figures illustrate:

DOM tree nodes

DOM tree

Layout tree boxes

Layout tree of generated block boxes

Step 1: resolve exclusion boxes belonging to each wrapping context

The figures illustrate how the boxes corresponding to the element sometimes have a different containment hierarchy in the layout tree than in the DOM tree. For example, the box generated by e1 is positioned in its containing block's box, which is the d1-box, because e1 is absolutely positioned and d1 is relatively positioned. However, while e2 is also absolutely positioned, its containing block is the initial containing block (ICB). See the section 10.1 of the CSS 2.1 specification ([[!CSS21]]) for details.

As a result of the computation of containing blocks for the tree, the boxes belonging to the wrapping contexts of all the elements can be determined:

Step 2: resolve wrapping contexts and lay out containing blocks

In this step, each containing block is processed in turn. For each containing block, we (conceptually) go through two phases:

  1. resolve the wrapping context: resolve the position and size of its exclusions
  2. lay out the containing block

In our example, this breaks down to:

  1. resolve the position and size of the exclusions belonging to WC-1: RWC-1 (Resolved Wrapping Context 1).
  2. lay out the initial containing block (i.e., lay out its content):
    1. resolve the html element's wrapping context: RWC-1
    2. lay out the html element:
      1. resolve the body element's wrapping context: RWC-1
      2. lay out the body element:
        1. resolve the d1 element's wrapping context: RWC-2
        2. lay out the d1 element
        3. resolve the d2 element's wrapping context: RWC-1
        4. lay out the d2 element
Resolving RWC-1

The top-most wrapping context in the layout tree contains the e2 exclusion. Its position and size needs to be resolved. In general, computing an exclusion's position and size may or may not require laying out other content. In our example, no content needs to be laid out to resolve the e2 exclusion's position because it is absolutely positioned and its size can be resolved without layout either. At this point, RWC-1 is resolved and can be used when laying inline content out.

Resolving RWC-2

The process is similar: the position of the e1 exclusion needs to be resolved. Again, resolving the exclusion's position and size may require processing the containing block (d1 here). It is the case here because the size and position of e1 depend on resolving the percentage lengths. The percentages are relative to the size of d1's box. As a result, in order to resolve a size for d1's box, a first layout of d1 is done without any wrapping context (i.e., no exclusions applied). The layout yields a position and size for e1's box.

At this point, RWC-2 is resolved because the position and size of both e1 and e2 are resolved.

The important aspect of the above processing example is that once an element's wrapping context is resolved (by resolving its exclusions' position and size), the position and size of the exclusions are not re-processed if the element's size changes between the layout that may be done without considering any wrapping context (as for RWC-2) and the layout done with the resolved wrapping context. This is what breaks the possible circular dependency between the resolution of wrapping contexts and the layout of containing blocks.

Floats and exclusions


There are similarities between floats and exclusions in that inline content wraps around floats and also wraps around exclusion areas. However, there are very significant differences.



Effect of floats on exclusions

Floats have an effect on the positioning of exclusions and the layout of their inline content. For example, if an exclusion is an inline-box which happens to be on the same line as a float, its' position, as computed in Step 2-A will be impacted by the float, as is any other inline content.

Effect of exclusions on floats

Exclusions have an effect on the positioning of floats as they have an effect on inline content. Therefore, in Step 2-B, floats will avoid exclusion areas.



Simplify the syntax for shapes


Handling visible content as a shape for Exclusions

Shapes define arbitrary geometric contours around which or into which inline flow content flows. There are two different types of shapes – 'outside' and 'inside'. The outside shape defines the exclusion area for an exclusion element or the float area for a float. The inside shape defines an element's content shape and the element's inline content will flow within that shape.

It is important to note that while outside shapes only apply to exclusions and floats, inside shapes apply to all block-level elements.

Relation to the box model and float behavior

While the boundaries used for wrapping inline flow content outside and inside an element can be defined using shapes, the actual box model does not change. If the element has specified margins, borders or paddings they will be computed and rendered according to the [[!CSS3BOX]] module.

However, floats are an exception. If a float has an outside shape, its positioning is resolved as defined in [[!CSS21]] but using the outside shape's bounding box is used in lieu of the float's margin box.

CSS 'shape-outside' and CSS box model relation: the red box illustrates the exclusion element's content box, which is unmodified and subject to normal CSS positioning (here absolute positioning).

<style type="text/css"> 
    .exclusion  {
    	wrap-flow: both; 
    	position: absolute; 
    	top: 25%;
    	left: 25%;
    	width: 50%;
    	height: 50%;
    	shape-outside: circle(50%, 50%, 50%); 
    	border: 1px solid red; 

<div style=”position: relative;”> 
    <div class=”exclusion”></div> 
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... 
Example rendering of circle shape and box model.

In the following example the left and right floating div elements specify a triangular shape using the 'shape-outside' property.

<div style="text-align:center;">
      <div id="float-left"></div>
      <div id="float-right"></div>
      Sometimes a web page's text content appears to be
      funneling your attention towards a spot on the page
      to drive you to follow a particular link.  Sometimes
      you don't notice.

<style type="text/css">
#float-left {
      shape-outside: polygon(0,0 100%,100% 0,100%);
      float: left;
      width: 40%;
      height: 12ex;

#float-right {
      shape-outside: polygon(100%,0 100%,100% 0,100%);
      float: right;
      width: 40%;
      height: 12ex;
Using the shape-outside property with a float

Basic Shapes

Shapes can be specified using syntax similar to SVG's basic shapes. The definitions use <length> type and the <percentage> types (see [[!CSS3VAL]]). Percentages are resolved from the computed value of the 'box-sizing' property [[!CSS3UI]] on the element to which the property applies. For the radius r of the circle shape, a percentage value is resolved as specified in the SVG recommendation (see [[!SVG11]]). Path styling like stroking is not considered part of the specified shape.

Supported Shapes

The following basic shapes are supported.
rectangle([<length>|<percentage>]{4} [ curve [<length>|<percentage>]{1,2} ]? )
inset-rectangle([<length>|<percentage>]{4} [ curve [<length>|<percentage>]{1,2} ]? )
polygon([<fill-rule>,]? [<length>|<percentage>]{2}#)

The UA will close a polygon by connecting the last vertex with the first vertex of the list.

Referencing SVG shapes

An SVG shape can be referenced using the url() syntax. The shape can be any of the SVG basic shapes or a path element.

results of referencing SVG shapes
div {
    height: 400px;
    width: 400px;
.in-a-circle {
    shape-inside: url(#circle_shape);

.in-a-path {
    shape-inside: url(#path-shape);


<svg ...>
<circle id="circle_shape" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" />
<path id="path-shape" d="M 100 100 L 300 100 L 200 300 z" />

<div class="in-a-circle">...</div>
<div class="in-a-path">...</div>

When using the SVG syntax or referencing SVG elements to define shapes, the relevant box is determined by the computed value of the 'box-sizing' property. All the lengths expressed in percentages are resolved from the relevant box. The coordinate system for the shape has its origin on the top-left corner of the relevant box with the x-axis running to the right and the y-axis running downwards. If the SVG element uses unitless coordinate values, they are equivalent to using 'px' units. If the relevant box of the element is dependent on auto sizing (i.e., the element's 'width' or 'height' property is 'auto'), then the percentage values resolve to 0.

Interpolation of Basic Shapes

For interpolating between one basic shape and a second, the rules described below are applied.

Shapes from Image


Do we need to provide properties to repeat exclusion images as for the background-image property?


Use the contour keyword in shape-outside property?


Address security concern with automatic shape extractions for images

Another way of defining shapes is by specifying a source image whose alpha channel is used to compute the inside or outside shape. The shape is computed to be the path that encloses the area where the opacity of the specified image is greater than the 'shape-image-threshold' value. If the 'shape-image-threshold' is not specified, the initial value to be considered is 0.5.

Note, images can define cavities and inline flow content should wrap inside them. In order to avoid that, another exclusion element can be overlaid.

For animated raster image formats (such as GIF), the first frame of the animation sequence is used. For SVG images ([[SVG11]]), the image is rendered without animations applied.

An image is floating to the left of a paragraph. The image shows the 3D version of the CSS logo over a transparent background. The logo has a shadow using an alpha-channel.

The image defines its float area through the 'shape-outside' property and specifies a value of 35 pixels for the 'shape-margin' property.

  <img id="CSSlogo" src="CSS-logo1s.png"/>
  blah blah blah blah...

  #CSSlogo {
    float: left;
    shape-outside: url("CSS-logo1s.png");
    shape-image-threshold: 0.1;
    shape-margin: 35px;

The image needs two references to the image because this example uses the same image

  1. to render it
  2. as a shape defining the float area of the image

It is perfectly possible to display an image and use a different image for its float area.

In the figure below, the alpha-channel threshold is represented by the dotted line around the CSS logo and the 35px shape-margin is visible between that line and the edges of each individual line of the paragraph.

It's then possible to affect where the lines of the paragraph start in three ways:

  1. Changing the value of the 'shape-margin' property
  2. Changing the value of the 'shape-image-threshold' property
  3. Modifying the alpha channel in the image
A float shape around an image using its alpha-channel with a 35 pixels shape-margin

A float shape around an image using its alpha-channel with a 35 pixels shape-margin

Declaring Shapes

Shapes are declared with the 'shape-outside' or 'shape-inside' properties, with possible modifications from the 'shape-margin' and 'shape-padding' properties. The shape defined by the 'shape-outside' and 'shape-margin' properties changes the geometry of an exclusion element's exclusion area or a float element's float area. If the element is not an exclusion element (see the 'wrap-flow' property) or a float, then the 'shape-outside' property has no effect.

The shape defined by the 'shape-inside' and 'shape-padding' properties defines an exclusion area that contributes to the element's wrapping context. The 'shape-inside' property applies to all block-level elements.

The 'shape-outside' Property

Name: shape-outside
Value: auto | <basic-shape> | <uri>
Initial: auto
Applies to: exclusion elements and floats
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Computed value: computed lengths for <basic-shape>, the absolute URI for <uri>, otherwise as specified

The values of this property have the following meanings:

The shape is computed based on the border box of the element for exclusions, or computed based on the margin box for floats.
The shape is computed based on the values of one of 'rectangle', 'inset-rectangle', 'circle', 'ellipse' or 'polygon'.
If the <uri> references an SVG shape element, that element defines the shape. Otherwise, if the <uri> references an image, the shape is extracted and computed based on the alpha channel of the specified image. If the <uri> does not reference an SVG shape element or an image, the effect is as if the value 'auto' had been specified.
arbitrary shapes for exclusions. Illustrates how content flows around shapes

Arbitrary shapes for exclusions

The above figure shows how 'shape-outside' shapes impact the exclusion areas. The red box represents an element's content box and 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'C' represent exclusions with a complex shape and their 'wrap-flow' property computes to 'both', 'start', 'end' and 'clear', respectively.

As illustrated in the picture, when an exclusion allows wrapping on all sides, text can flow inside 'holes' in the exclusion (as for exclusion 'A'). Otherwise, the exclusion clears the area on the side(s) defined by 'wrap-flow', as illustrated for 'B', 'C' and 'D' above.

The 'shape-inside' Property

The 'shape-inside' property adds one or more exclusion areas to the element's wrapping context. This modifies the normal rectangular shape of the content area to a possibly non-rectangular wrapping area. The exclusion areas are defined by subtracting the shape from the element's content area. Any part of the shape outside the element's content area has no effect.

Name: shape-inside
Value: outside-shape | auto | <basic-shape> | <uri>
Initial: outside-shape
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Computed value: computed lengths for <basic-shape>, the absolute URI for <uri>, otherwise as specified

Should we revisit the decision to not allow SVG path syntax in the shape-inside, shape-outside properties

The values of this property have the following meanings:

The shape is computed based on the computed value of the 'shape-outside' property. E.g., when shape-outside computes to 'auto', use the meaning of 'auto' below to compute the shape.
The shape is computed based on the content box of the element.
The shape is computed based on the values of one of 'rectangle', 'inset-rectangle', 'circle', 'ellipse' or 'polygon'.
If the <uri> references an SVG shape element, that element defines the shape. Otherwise, if the <uri> references an image, the shape is extracted and computed based on the alpha channel of the specified image. If the <uri> does not reference an SVG shape element or an image, the effect is as if the value 'auto' had been specified.

The 'shape-inside' property applies to floats.

The 'shape-inside' property may not apply on some elements such as elements with a computed 'display' value of 'table'.

Content flowing with and without a shape-inside

Effect of shape-inside on inline content.

Overflow content avoids the exclusion area(s) added by 'shape-inside' and 'shape-padding' (as well as any other exclusion areas in the element's wrapping context).

Overflow interacting with rounded rect Overflow interacting with ellipse

Overflow interacting with exclusion areas defined by 'shape-inside' and 'shape-padding'.

The 'shape-image-threshold' Property

The 'shape-image-threshold' defines the alpha channel threshold used to extract the shape using an image. A value of 0.5 means that all the pixels that are more than 50% transparent define the path of the exclusion shape. The 'shape-image-threshold' applies to both 'shape-outside' and 'shape-inside'.

The specified value of 'shape-image-threshold' is applied to both images used for 'shape-outside' and 'shape-inside'.

Name: shape-image-threshold
Value: <alphavalue>
Initial: 0.5
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: alpha channel of the image specified by <uri>
Computed value: The same as the specified value after clipping the <alphavalue> to the range [0.0,1.0].

The values of this property have the following meanings:

A <number> value used to set the threshold used for extracting a shape from an image. Any values outside the range 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque) will be clamped to this range.

The 'shape-margin' property

The 'shape-margin' property adds a margin to a shape-outside. This defines a new shape where every point is the specified distance from the shape-outside. This property takes on positive values only.

Name: shape-margin
Value: <length>
Initial: 0
Applies to: exclusion elements and floats
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Computed value: the absolute length

A 'shape-margin' creating an offset from a circular shape-outside. The blue rectangles represent inline content affected by the shape created by the margin.

Example of a shape-margin offset

The 'shape-padding' Property

The 'shape-padding' property adds padding to a shape-inside. This defines a new shape where every point is the specified distance from the shape-inside. This property takes on positive values only.

Name: shape-padding
Value: <length>
Initial: 0
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Computed value: the absolute length

A 'shape-padding' creating an offset from a circular shape-inside. The light blue rectangles represent inline content affected by the shape created by the padding.

Example of a shape-padding offset
Note that the 'shape-padding' property only affects layout of content inside the element it applies to while the 'shape-margin' property only affects layout of content outside the element.



This specification is made possible by input from Andrei Bucur, Alexandru Chiculita, Arron Eicholz, Daniel Glazman, Arno Gourdol, Chris Jones, Bem Jones-Bey, Marcus Mielke, Alex Mogilevsky, Hans Muller, Mihnea Ovidenie, Virgil Palanciuc, Peter Sorotokin, Bear Travis, Eugene Veselov, Stephen Zilles and the CSS Working Group members.


Normative references

Other references


Property index

Change Log

Since May 3rd 2012

Since December 13th 2011