
CSS Working Group Editor Drafts

Bikeshed Errors

Automatic generation of the file mediaqueries-5/Overview.html was successful but Bikeshed reported the following:

Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1271 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1273 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1275 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1276 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1277 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1290 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1292 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1625 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1626 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1627 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1628 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1629 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1630 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1632 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1633 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1634 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1635 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1637 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1639 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1640 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1641 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1642 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1643 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1645 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1646 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1647 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1648 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1650 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1652 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1653 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1654 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1655 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1657 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1658 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1660 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1662 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1663 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1664 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1665 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1667 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1668 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1669 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1670 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1671 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 1672 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 2380 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3551 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3552 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3553 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3554 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3555 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3556 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3557 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3558 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3559 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3560 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3561 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3562 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3563 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3564 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3565 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3566 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3567 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3568 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3569 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3570 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3571 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3572 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3573 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3574 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3575 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3576 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3577 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3578 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3579 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3580 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3581 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3582 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3583 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3584 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3585 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3586 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3587 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3588 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3589 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3590 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3591 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3592 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3593 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3594 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3595 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3596 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3597 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 3598 starts with spaces.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'scan'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'pointer'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'update'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'orientation'.
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'browsing context' dfn refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#browsing-context
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:html; type:dfn; for:/; text:browsing context
spec:html; type:dfn; for:Document; text:browsing context
spec:html; type:dfn; for:Window; text:browsing context
[=browsing context=]
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'display-mode'.
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible ':fullscreen' maybe refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#selectordef-fullscreen
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:selectors-4; type:selector; text::fullscreen
spec:fullscreen; type:selector; text::fullscreen
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'resolution'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'environment-blending'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'color-index'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'monochrome'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'color-gamut'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'dynamic-range'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'inverted-colors'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'hover'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'any-pointer'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'any-hover'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'nav-controls'.
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'joint session history'.
<a bs-line-number="2387" data-link-spec="html" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="joint session history">joint session history</a>
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'joint session history'.
<a bs-line-number="2393" data-link-spec="html" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="joint session history">joint session history</a>
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'joint session history'.
<a bs-line-number="2433" data-link-spec="html" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="joint session history">joint session history</a>
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'video-color-gamut'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'video-dynamic-range'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'scripting'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'prefers-reduced-motion'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'prefers-reduced-transparency'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'prefers-contrast'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'forced-colors'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'prefers-color-scheme'.
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'system colors' that are marked for export.
[=system colors=]
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'prefers-reduced-data'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'device-width'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'device-height'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'device-aspect-ratio'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'display-mode'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'horizontal-viewport-segments'.
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'vertical-viewport-segments'.
WARNING: W3C policy requires Privacy Considerations and Security Considerations to be separate sections, but you appear to have them combined into one.
  Successfully generated, with warnings

Last Bikeshed run at 2024-07-26 05:14:47 PDT