
CSS Working Group Editor Drafts

Bikeshed Errors

Automatic generation of the file css-scroll-snap-2/Overview.html was successful but Bikeshed reported the following:

Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 41 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 42 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 44 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 59 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 60 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 62 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 63 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 64 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 65 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 66 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 67 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 69 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 70 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 71 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 72 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 73 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 74 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 75 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 76 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 77 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 87 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 89 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 90 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 92 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 93 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 94 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 95 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 97 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 98 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 99 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 100 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 102 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 103 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 104 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 105 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 106 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 107 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 108 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 109 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 110 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 111 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 121 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 164 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 167 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 170 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 171 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 174 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 175 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 176 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 179 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 182 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 185 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 188 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 191 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 196 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 197 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 198 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 199 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 201 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 202 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 203 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 204 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 206 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 208 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 209 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 210 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 211 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 212 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 213 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 214 starts with spaces.
Your document appears to use tabs to indent, but line 215 starts with spaces.
WARNING: The heading 'First Layout' needs a manually-specified ID.
WARNING: The heading 'SnapEvent interface' needs a manually-specified ID.
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'scroll' idl refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view-1/#eventdef-document-scroll
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:cssom-view-1; type:event; for:Document; text:scroll
spec:cssom-view-1; type:event; for:Element; text:scroll
spec:cssom-view-1; type:event; for:VisualViewport; text:scroll
spec:html; type:dict-member; text:scroll
spec:webvtt1; type:attribute; text:scroll
LINK ERROR: No 'property' refs found for 'none'.
LINK ERROR: No 'idl' refs found for 'SnapEvents'.
WARNING: This specification has neither a 'Security Considerations' nor a 'Privacy Considerations' section. Please consider adding both, see https://w3ctag.github.io/security-questionnaire/.
WARNING: No 'margin-longhands-logical' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'propdef-scroll-margin-block' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'margin-longhands-physical' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'propdef-scroll-margin-inline' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'scroll-margin' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'padding-longhands-logical' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'propdef-scroll-padding-block' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'padding-longhands-physical' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'propdef-scroll-padding-inline' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'scroll-padding' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'scroll-snap-align' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'scroll-snap-stop' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
WARNING: No 'scroll-snap-type' ID found, skipping MDN features that would target it.
Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it?
<dfn bs-line-number="377" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="dispatch-pending-scrollsnapchange-events" data-lt="dispatch pending scrollsnapchange events" data-noexport="by-default">dispatch pending scrollsnapchange events<a href="#dispatch-pending-scrollsnapchange-events" class="self-link"></a></dfn>
Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it?
<dfn bs-line-number="457" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="dispatch-pending-scrollsnapchanging-events" data-lt="dispatch pending scrollsnapchanging events" data-noexport="by-default">dispatch pending scrollsnapchanging events<a href="#dispatch-pending-scrollsnapchanging-events" class="self-link"></a></dfn>
  Successfully generated, with warnings

Last Bikeshed run at 2024-06-16 22:57:53 PDT